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root - Man Page


usage: root [-b B] [-x X] [-e E] [-n N] [-t T] [-q Q] [-l L] [-a A]
           [-config CONFIG] [-h HELP] [--version VERSION]
           [--notebook NOTEBOOK] [--web WEB] [--web=<type> WEB=<TYPE>]
           [--web=off WEB=OFF]
           [dir] [data1.root...dataN.root] [file1.C...fileN.C]


ROOTs Object-Oriented Technologies.

root is an interactive interpreter of C++ code. It uses the ROOT  framework.  For  more information on ROOT, please refer to

An extensive Users Guide is available from that site (see below).



Run in batch mode without graphics


Exit on exceptions


Execute the command passed between single quotes


Do not execute logon and logoff macros as specified in .rootrc


Enable thread-safety and implicit multi-threading (IMT)


Exit after processing command line macro files


Do not show the ROOT banner


Show the ROOT splash screen


print ./configure options


Show summary of options


Show the ROOT version


Execute ROOT notebook


Use web-based display for graphics, browser, geometry


Use the specified web-based display such as chrome, firefox, qt6

For more options see the documentation of TROOT::SetWebDisplay()


Disable any kind of web-based display


if dir is a valid directory cd to it before executing


Open the given ROOT files; remote protocols (such as http://) are supported


Execute the ROOT macro file1.C ... fileN.C

Compilation flags as well as macro arguments can be passed, see format in https://root.cern/manual/root_macros_and_shared_libraries/


Load and execute file1_C.so ... fileN_C.so (or .dll if on Windows)

They should be already-compiled ROOT macros (shared libraries) or:

regular user shared libraries e.g. userlib.so with a function userlib(args)

Referenced By

g2root(1), h2root(1), proofserv(1), rmkdepend(1), root-config(1), root.exe(1), rootn.exe(1), roots.exe(1).