rollrec-editor - Man Page

DNSSEC-Tools Rollrec GUI Editor


  rollrec-editor [options] <rollrec-file>


rollrec-editor provides the capability for easy GUI-based management of rollrec files.  A rollrec file contains one or more rollrec records. These records are used by the DNSSEC-Tools rollover utilities (rollerd, etc.) to describe zones' rollover state.  Each zone's rollrec record contains such information as the zone file, the rollover phase, and logging level.  rollrec files are text files and may be edited by any text editor. rollrec-editor allows editing of only those records a user should change and performs error checking on the data.

When rollrec-editor starts, a window is created that has "buttons" for each rollrec record in the given rollrec file.  (In this documentation, this window is called the Button Window.)  Clicking on the buttons selects (or deselects) that zone.  After one or more zones are selected, one of several commands may be executed.  Commands allow modification and deletion of existing rollrec records, creation of new rollrec records, merging of rollrec files, and verification of file validity.

rollrec-editor's commands are available through the menus and most have a keyboard accelerator.  The commands are described below in the Commands section.

When a rollrec record is selected for modification, a new window is created to hold the editable fields of the record.  The fields may be modified in place.  When editing is complete, the record is "saved".  This does not save the modified rollrec into its on-disk file; the file must be saved explicitly from the Button Window.

As stated above, verification checks are performed when saving an edited rollrec record.  One set of checks ensures that files and directories associated with a zone actually exist.  This check may be turned off at command start-up with the -ignore-warns command line option.  It may be modified during execution with the "Ignore Edit Warnings" menu command.

Button Window Layout

The Button Window contains a button for each rollrec record in the selected file.  The buttons are arranged in a table that with at least three columns.  The number of columns may be set at command start-up with the  -columns command line option.  It may be modified during execution with the "Columns in Button Window" menu command.

When setting the number of columns, rollrec-editor minimizes the space required to display the selected file's rollrec buttons.  This will sometimes cause the number of columns to differ from that requested.

For example, assume a rollrec file has 12 rollrec records.  The following table shows how many rows and columns are given for each of the given column selections.

        column count    rows    columns
              1          12        1
              2          6         2
              3          4         3
              4          3         4
              5          3         4
              6          2         6
              7          2         6
              8          2         6
              9          2         6
              10         2         6
              11         2         6
              12         1         12

The actual rows and columns for a requested column count will vary in order to allow a "best-fit".

Undoing Modifications

The "undo" capability is not currently implemented.

rollrec-editor has the ability to reverse modifications it has made to a rollrec file.  This historical restoration will only work for modifications made during a particular execution of rollrec-editor; modifications made during a previous execution may not be undone.

After a "Save" operation, the data required for reversing modifications are deleted.  This is not the case for the "Save As" operation.


rollrec-editor supports the following options.

-columns columns

This option allows the user to specify the number of columns to be used in the Button Window.


This option causes rollrec-editor to ignore edit warnings when performing validation checks on the contents of rollrec records.


This option turns off name filtering when rollrec-editor presents a file-selection dialog for choosing a new rollrec file.  If this option is not given, then the file-selection dialog will only list regular files with a suffix of .rrf.


Displays the version information for rollrec-editor and the DNSSEC-Tools package.


rollrec-editor provides the following commands, organized by menus: File, Edit, Commands, Rollrecs, and Options.

File Menu

The File Menu contains commands for manipulating rollrec files and stopping execution.


Open a new rollrec file.  If the specified file does not exist, the user will be prompted for the action to take.  If the user chooses the "Continue" action, then rollrec-editor will continue editing the current rollrec file.  If the "Quit" action is selected, then rollrec-editor will exit.


Save the current rollrec file.  The data for the "Undo Changes" command are purged, so this file will appear to be unmodified.

Nothing will happen if no changes have been made.

Save As

Save the current rollrec file to a name selected by the user.


Exit rollrec-editor.

Edit Menu

The Edit Menu contains commands for general editing operations.

Undo Changes

Reverse modifications made to the rollrec records.  This is only for the in-memory version of the rollrec file.

Not currently implemented.

Commands Menu

The Commands Menu contains commands for modifying rollrec records.

New Rollrec

Create a new rollrec record.   The user is given a new window in which to edit the user-modifiable rollrec fields.  A button for the new rollrec record will be inserted into the Button Window.

After editing is completed, the "Save" button will add the new rollrec record to the in-memory rollrec file.  The file must be saved in order to have the new rollrec added to the file.

Potentially erroneous conditions will be reported to the user at save time.   If the ignore-warnings flag has been turned on, then these warnings will not be reported.  Errors (e.g., invalid log conditions) will always be reported.

Delete Selected Rollrecs

Delete the selected rollrec records.  The buttons for each selected record will be removed from the Button Window.

Edit Selected Rollrecs

Modify the selected rollrec records.   For every record selected for modification, the user is given a new window in which to edit the user-modifiable rollrec fields.  When the edit window goes away (after a "Save" or "Cancel"), the rollrec record's button is deselected.

After editing is completed, the "Save" button will add the new rollrec record to the in-memory rollrec file.  The file must be saved in order to have the new rollrec added to the file.

Potentially erroneous conditions will be reported to the user at save time.   If the ignore-warnings flag has been turned on, then these warnings will not be reported.  Errors (e.g., invalid log conditions) will always be reported.

Rename Selected Rollrec

Rename the selected rollrec record.   The name in the rollrec's "roll" or "skip" line will be changed to the new name.  Only one rollrec may be renamed at a time, and it may not be edited while the rename is taking place.

If the rollrec has been modified, the new contents must be written to disk prior to the rename happening.  The user will be prompted to ensure that this the user wishes to continue.

Merge Rollrec Files

Merge a rollrec file with the currently open rollrec file.  After a successful merge, the rollrec records in the second file will be added  to the end of the currently open rollrec file.

If there are any rollrec name collisions in the files, then the user will be asked whether to continue with the merge or cancel it.  If the merge continues, then the conflicting rollrec records from the "new" file will be discarded in favor of the currently open rollrec file.

Verify Rollrec File

Verify the validity of the rollrec file.  The user-editable fields in the open rollrec file are checked for validity.  An edit window is opened for each rollrec record that registers an error or warning.

If the ignore-warnings flag has been turned on, then potentially erroneous conditions will not be reported.  Errors (e.g., invalid log conditions) will always be reported.

Summarize Problems

Summarize the warning and error counts of the rollrec file.  Each rollrec record in the open rollrec file is checked for validity.  If any warnings or errors are found, a window is displayed that lists the name of each rollrec record and its warning and error counts.

If the ignore-warnings flag has been turned on, then potentially erroneous conditions will not be reported.  Errors (e.g., invalid log conditions) will always be reported.

View Menu

The View Menu contains miscellaneous commands for viewing edit windows.

Select All Rollrecs/Unselect All Rollrecs

Select or unselect all rollrec buttons.  All the buttons in the Button Window will be selected or unselected.  If any of the buttons are not selected, this command will cause all the buttons to become selected.  If all of the buttons are selected, this command will cause all the buttons to be deselected.

This command is a toggle that switches between Select All Rollrecs and Unselect All Rollrecs.

Reveal Rollrec Edit Windows

Raise all rollrec edit windows.  This command brings all rollrec edit windows to the front so that any that are hidden behind other windows will become visible.

Close Rollrec Edit Windows

Close all rollrec edit windows.  This command closes and deselects all rollrec edit windows.

Options Menu

The Options Menu allows the user to set several options that control rollrec-editor behavior.

Ignore Edit Warnings/Don't Ignore Edit Warnings

Certain operations perform validation checks on the contents of rollrec records.  Warnings and errors may be reported by these checks.  This option  controls whether or not warnings are flagged during validation.  If they are flagged, then the operation will not continue until the warning condition is fixed or the operation canceled.  If the warnings are ignored, then the operation will complete without the condition being fixed.

This command is a toggle that switches between Ignore Edit Warnings mode and Don't Ignore Edit Warnings mode.

Filter Name Selection/Don't Filter Name Selection

When opening rollrec files for editing or merging, a file-selection dialog box is displayed to allow the user to select a rollrec file.  This option controls whether a filename filter is used by the dialog box.  If Filter Names Selection mode is used, then only regular files with a suffix of .rrf will be displayed by the dialog box.  If Don't Filter Name Selection mode is used, then all regular files will be displayed by the dialog box.

This command is a toggle that switches between Filter Name Selection display and Don't Filter Name Selection display.

Columns in Button Window

Set the number of columns used in the Button Window.  See the Button Window Layout section for more information on columns in the Button Window.

Help Menu

The Help Menu contains commands for getting assistance.


Display a help window.

Keyboard Accelerators

Below are the keyboard accelerators for the rollrec-editor commands:

    Ctrl-A  Select All Rollrecs

    Ctrl-D  Delete Selected Rollrecs

    Ctrl-E  Edit Selected Rollrecs

    Ctrl-H  Help

    Ctrl-K  Close Rollrec Edit Windows

    Ctrl-M  Merge Rollrec Files

    Ctrl-N  New Rollrec

    Ctrl-O  Open

    Ctrl-Q  Quit

    Ctrl-R  Reveal Rollrec Edit Windows

    Ctrl-S  Save

    Ctrl-U  Undo Changes  (not currently implemented)

    Ctrl-V  Verify Rollrec File

These accelerators are all lowercase letters.


rollrec-editor is implemented in Perl/Tk, so both Perl and Perl/Tk must be installed on your system.

Known Issues

The following are known issues.  These will be resolved in the fullness of time.


Wayne Morrison,

See Also

lsroll(1), rollchk(8), rollerd(8) rollinit(8), rollset(8), zonesigner(8)




2024-06-10 perl v5.40.0 User Contributed Perl Documentation