rdapper - Man Page

a command-line RDAP client.


rdapper is a command-line client for the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP), the successor protocol to Whois (RFC 3912). RDAP is currently being developed by the WEIRDS IETF working group, and has not yet been finalized.

This tool will send an RDAP query to an RDAP server over HTTP or HTTPS, parse the JSON response, and display it in human-readable form.


To install this program type the following commands in the source directory:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make install


    rdapper [OPTIONS] QUERY


--host=HOST (default: rdap.org)

Specify the host to query. If not set, rdapper uses rdap.org (see below).


Specify the type of object being queried. Possible values are: domain,  entity (also contact), nameserver (also host), autnum and ip. rdapper will detect IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and CIDR networks and AS numbers, and will fall back to domain queries for everything else.


Instructs rdapper to follow links to retrieve full entity information.


Display URIs for referenced objects.


Specify a JSONPath query. Any elements in the response which match this path will be printed in JSON format.

See below for details of JSONPath.


Force use of TLS.


Disable server certificate checking and hostname verification.


Specify a username to be used with Basic Authentication.


Specify a password to be used with Basic Authentication.

Note: if the initial request is redirected, authentication credentials will be sent in the subsequent request to the target server, so users should consider whether these credentials might be disclosed inappropriately.


Specify a client SSL certificate to present to the server.


Specify a private key matching the certificate given in --cert.


Specify a passphrase to decrypt the private key given by --key.


Causes rdapper to emit pretty-printed JSON rather than text output.


Causes rdapper to display the HTTP request and response rather than the text output.


Specify a language. This is sent to the server using the Accept-Language header. If unset, the language will be taken from your $LANG environment variable (or en if that is not defined).


Specify an encoding. This is sent to the server using the Accept-Encoding header. If unset, the encoding will be taken from your $LANG environment variable (or UTF-8 if that is not defined).


You can use JSONPath to specify a subset of the complete response. JSONPath is an XPath-like syntax for querying JSON structures. The following are examples of JSONPath queries:

        $.handle                # the handle of an object
        $.nameServers[0].name   # the name of a domain's first nameserver
        $.entities[0].emails[0] # the first email address of an object's first entity
        $.nameServers..name     # the names of every nameserver

For a full explanation of the available syntax, see the link below.

Use of rdap.org

Unless instructed otherwise (via the --host argument), rdapper will send  all queries to rdap.org: this server is an aggregator of RDAP services, and will provide an HTTP redirect to the appropriate service where available.

See Also






2024-07-19 perl v5.40.0 User Contributed Perl Documentation