raster3d_graphical.1grass - Man Page

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Graphical index of GRASS GIS modules

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3d raster modules

  • r3.colors Creates/modifies the color table associated with a 3D raster map.
  • r3.colors.out Exports the color table associated with a 3D raster map.
  • r3.cross.rast Creates cross section 2D raster map from 3D raster map based on 2D elevation map
  • r3.flow Computes 3D flow lines and 3D flow accumulation.
  • r3.gradient Computes gradient of a 3D raster map and outputs gradient components as three 3D raster maps.
  • r3.gwflow Numerical calculation program for transient, confined groundwater flow in three dimensions.
  • r3.in.ascii Converts a 3D ASCII raster text file into a (binary) 3D raster map.
  • r3.in.bin Imports a binary raster file into a GRASS 3D raster map.
  • r3.in.v5d Import 3-dimensional Vis5D files.
  • r3.in.xyz Create a 3D raster map from an assemblage of many coordinates using univariate statistics
  • r3.info Outputs basic information about a user-specified 3D raster map layer.
  • r3.mapcalc Raster map calculator.
  • r3.mask Establishes the current working 3D raster mask.
  • r3.mkdspf Creates a display file from an existing 3D raster map according to specified threshold levels.
  • r3.neighbors Makes each voxel value a function of the values assigned to the voxels around it, and stores new voxel values in an output 3D raster map
  • r3.null Explicitly create the 3D NULL-value bitmap file.
  • r3.out.ascii Converts a 3D raster map layer into a ASCII text file.
  • r3.out.bin Exports a GRASS 3D raster map to a binary array.
  • r3.out.netcdf Export a 3D raster map as netCDF file.
  • r3.out.v5d Exports GRASS 3D raster map to 3-dimensional Vis5D file.
  • r3.out.vtk Converts 3D raster maps into the VTK-ASCII format.
  • r3.retile Retiles an existing 3D raster map with user defined x, y and z tile size.
  • r3.stats Generates volume statistics for 3D raster maps.
  • r3.support Allows creation and/or modification of 3D raster map layer support files.
  • r3.timestamp Modifies a timestamp for a 3D raster map.
  • r3.to.rast Converts 3D raster maps to 2D raster maps
  • r3.univar Calculates univariate statistics from the non-null cells of a 3D raster map.

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