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rake - Man Page

make-like build utility for Ruby

Examples (TL;DR)


rake[-f rakefile] [options] targets ...


rake is a make(1)-like build utility for Ruby. Tasks and dependencies are specified in standard Ruby syntax.


-m, --multitask

Treat all tasks as multitasks.

-B, --build-all

Build all prerequisites, including those which are up-to-date.

-j, --jobs num_jobs

Specifies the maximum number of tasks to execute in parallel (default is number of CPU cores + 4).


-I, --libdir libdir

Include libdir in the search path for required modules.

-r, --require module

Require module before executing rakefile.

Rakefile location

-f, --rakefile filename

Use filename as the rakefile to search for.

-N, --no-search, --nosearch

Do not search parent directories for the Rakefile.

-G, --no-system, --nosystem

Use standard project Rakefile search paths, ignore system wide rakefiles.

-R, --rakelib rakelibdir, --rakelibdir rakelibdir

Auto-import any .rake files in rakelibdir (default is ‘rakelib’)

-g, --system

Use system-wide (global) rakefiles (usually ~/.rake/*.rake).



Enable full backtrace. out can be stderr (default) or stdout.

-t, --trace=out

Turn on invoke/execute tracing, enable full backtrace. out can be stderr (default) or stdout.

--suppress-backtrace pattern

Suppress backtrace lines matching regexp pattern. Ignored if --trace is on.


Trace the rules resolution.

-n, --dry-run

Do a dry run without executing actions.

-T, --tasks [pattern]

Display the tasks (matching optional pattern) with descriptions, then exit.

-D, --describe [pattern]

Describe the tasks (matching optional pattern), then exit.

-W, --where [pattern]

Describe the tasks (matching optional pattern), then exit.

-P, --prereqs

Display the tasks and dependencies, then exit.

-e, --execute code

Execute some Ruby code and exit.

-p, --execute-print code

Execute some Ruby code, print the result, then exit.

-E, --execute-continue code

Execute some Ruby code, then continue with normal task processing.


-v, --verbose

Log message to standard output.

-q, --quiet

Do not log messages to standard output.

-s, --silent

Like --quiet, but also suppresses the ‘in directory’ announcement.

-X, --no-deprecation-warnings

Disable the deprecation warnings.


Show commented tasks only

-A, --all

Show all tasks, even uncommented ones (in combination with -T or -D)

--job-stats [level]

Display job statistics. If level is ‘history’, displays a complete job list.

-V, --version

Display the program version.

-h, -H, --help

Display a help message.

See Also

The complete documentation for rake has been installed at /usr/share/doc/rake-doc/html/index.html. It is also available online at https://ruby.github.io/rake.


rake was written by Jim Weirich <jim@weirichhouse.org>.

This manual was created by Caitlin Matos <caitlin.matos@zoho.com> for the Debian project (but may be used by others). It was inspired by the manual by Jani Monoses <jani@iv.ro> for the Ubuntu project.

Referenced By


June 12, 2016