r.semantic.label.1grass - Man Page

Manages semantic label information assigned to a single raster map or to a list of raster maps.


general, imagery, semantic label, image collections


r.semantic.label --help
r.semantic.label map=name[,name,...]  [semantic_label=name[,name,...]]  operation=string  [--help]  [--verbose]  [--quiet]  [--ui]



Print usage summary


Verbose module output


Quiet module output


Force launching GUI dialog


map=name[,name,...] [required]

Name of raster map(s)


Name of semantic label identifier (example: S2_1)

operation=string [required]

Operation to be performed
Options: add, remove, print
Default: add


r.semantic.label allows assigning a semantic label information to a single raster map or to a list of specified raster maps. Semantic label can be defined by semantic_label option. Already assigned semantic label can be removed from a specified raster map by operation=remove. The module also allows printing detailed semantic label information already assigned to a raster map by operation=print.

Either a single raster map or a list of raster maps can be given by map option.


Note that only raster maps from the current mapsets can be modified.

For more information about semantic label concept and supported sensors (generic multispectral system, Landsat-5, Landsat-7, Landsat-8, Sentinel-2) see the i.band.library module.

Semantic labels are supported by temporal GRASS modules. Name of STRDS can be extended by band identifier in order to filter the result by a semantic label. See t.register, t.rast.list, t.info and t.rast.mapcalc modules for examples.


Assign semantic label to a single raster map

r.semantic.label map=T33UVR_20180506T100031_B01 semantic_label=S2_1

Assign semantic label to a list of raster maps

r.semantic.label map=T33UVR_20180506T100031_B01,T33UVR_20180521T100029_B01 semantic_label=S2_1,S2_1

Assign different semantic labels to a list of raster maps

r.semantic.label map=T33UVR_20180506T100031_B01,T33UVR_20180506T100031_B02 semantic_label=S2_1,S2_2

Remove semantic label from a list of raster maps

r.semantic.label map=T33UVR_20180506T100031_B01,T33UVR_20180506T100031_B02 operation=remove

Print semantic label information about single raster map

r.semantic.label map=T33UVR_20180506T100031_B01 operation=print

Print extended semantic label information for a list of raster map

r.semantic.label map=T33UVR_20180506T100031_B01,T33UVR_20180506T100031_B02 operation=print

Known Issues

r.semantic.label allows managing semantic labels only related to 2D raster maps.

See Also

i.band.library, r.info, r.support


Martin Landa
Development sponsored by mundialis GmbH & Co. KG (for the openEO EU H2020 grant 776242)

Source Code

Available at: r.semantic.label source code (history)

Accessed: Monday Sep 09 08:49:54 2024

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