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r.out.ppm3.1grass - Man Page

Converts 3 GRASS raster layers (R,G,B) to a PPM image file.


raster, export, output


r.out.ppm3 --help
r.out.ppm3 [-c] red=string green=string blue=string output=string  [--help]  [--verbose]  [--quiet]  [--ui]



Add comments to describe the region


Print usage summary


Verbose module output


Quiet module output


Force launching GUI dialog


red=string [required]

Name of raster map to be used for <red>

green=string [required]

Name of raster map to be used for <green>

blue=string [required]

Name of raster map to be used for <blue>

output=string [required]

Name for new PPM file. (use ’-’ for stdout)


r.out.ppm3 converts 3 GRASS raster layers (R,G,B) to a PPM image file, using the current region.

This program converts a GRASS raster map to a PPM image file using the the current region settings.

To get the full area and resolutin of the raster map, run:

g.region raster=[mapname]

before running r.out.ppm3.


One pixel is written for each cell value, so if ew_res and ns_res differ, the aspect ratio of the resulting image will be off.

See Also

r.out.ppm, r.in.gdal, d.rgb


Glynn Clements
Based upon r.out.ppm and d.rgb.

Source Code

Available at: r.out.ppm3 source code (history)

Accessed: Tuesday May 14 13:40:27 2024

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