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quodlibet - Man Page

audio library manager and player


quodlibet [ --print-playing | control ]
exfalso [ directory ]


Quod Libet is a music management program. It provides several different ways to view your audio library, as well as support for Internet radio and audio feeds. It has extremely flexible metadata tag editing and searching capabilities.

This manual page is only a short reference for Quod Libet. Complete documentation is available at https://quodlibet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guide/index.html.



Add a file or directory to the library


Print debugging information


Enqueue a filename or query results


Enqueue comma-separated files

--filter <tag=value>

Filter on a tag value


Focus the running player


Jump to previous song


Display brief usage information


Hide main window


List available browsers


Jump to next song


Start without plugins


Open a new browser


Pause playback


Start playback


Play a file


Toggle play/pause mode


Jump to previous song if near the beginning, otherwise restart


Print out information about the currently playing song. You may provide in a string like the kind described in the Renaming Files section below.


Print the current playlist


Print filenames of results of query


Print the active text query


Print the contents of the queue


Search your audio library


Show or hide the queue


Exit Quod Libet


Filter on a random value


Set rating of playing song


Decrease rating of playing song by one star


Increase rating of playing song by one star


Refresh and rescan library


Turn repeat off, on, or toggle


Repeat the currently playing song, the current list, stop after one song, or turn repeat off


Start Quod Libet if it isn't running


Seek within the playing song


Set the current browser


Show main window


Turn shuffle off, on, or toggle


Set the shuffle type to be random, to prefer higher rated songs, or turn shuffle off


Don't show any windows on start


Begin playing immediately


Print playing status


Stop playback


Stop after the playing song


Toggle main window visibility


Remove active browser filters


Unqueue a file or query


Display version and copyright


Set the volume


Turn down the volume


Turn up the volume


Set the output format of the --print-playing, --print-playlist, --print-query, and --print-queue commands.  You may provide in a tag-pattern string like the kind described in the Renaming Files section below.

Album Covers

Album covers should be put in the same directory as the songs they apply to, and have "folder", "front", or "cover" in their filenames. If you want to store multiple albums in the same directory but keep distinct cover images, the name of the appropriate image file must contain the labelid tag value, e.g. COCX-32760 cover.jpg.

Tied Tags

Many places in Quod Libet allow you to use "tied tags". Tied tags are two tag names joined together with a "~" like "title~version" or "album~part". Tied tags result in "nice" displays even when one of the tags is missing; for example, "title~version" will result in Title - Version when a version tag is present, but only Title when one isn't. You can tie any number of tags together.

Search Syntax

All of Quod  Libet's search boxes support advanced searches of the following forms:

tag = value
tag = !value
tag = "value"
tag = /value/
tag = &(value1, value2)
tag = |(value1, value2)
!tag = value
|(tag1 = value1, tag2 = value2)
&(tag1 = value1, tag2 = value2)
#(numerictag < value)
#(numerictag = value)
#(numerictag > value)

The 'c' postfix on strings or regular expressions makes the  search case-sensitive. Numeric values may be given as integers, floating-point numbers, MM:SS format, or simple English, e.g. "3 days", "2 hours".

See https://quodlibet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guide/searching.html.

All internal tags begin with a ~ character. Non-numeric internal tags are ~base‐ name, ~dirname, ~filename, ~format, ~length, ~people, and ~rating. Numeric internal tags are ~#added, ~#bitrate, ~#disc, ~#lastplayed, ~#laststarted, ~#length, ~#mtime, ~#playcount, ~#skipcount, and ~#track.

See https://quodlibet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guide/tags/internal_tags.html.

Renaming Files

Quod Libet allows you to rename files based on their tags. In some cases you may wish to alter the filename depending on whether some tags are present or missing, in addition to their values. A common pattern might be

<tracknumber>. <title~version>

You can use a '|' to only text when a tag is present:

<tracknumber|<tracknumber>. ><title~version>

You can also specify literal text to use if the tag is missing by adding another '|':

<album|<album>|No Album> - <title>

See https://quodlibet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guide/renaming_files.html.

Audio Backends

Quod Libet uses GStreamer for audio playback. It tries to read your GConf GStreamer configuration, but if that fails it falls back to osssink. You can change the pipeline option in ~/.quodlibet/config to use a different sink, or pass options to the sink. For example, you might use esdsink or alsasink device=hw:1.

See https://quodlibet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guide/playback/backends.html.



A pickled Python dict of cached metadata. Deleting this file will remove all songs from your library.


Quod Libet's configuration file. This file is overwritten when Quod Libet exits.


A "key=value" file containing information about the currently playing song.


A FIFO connected to the most-recently-started instance of the program. --next, --previous, etc., use this to control the player.


Put plugins here.


Put custom library browsers here.

See https://quodlibet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guide/interacting.html.


See https://github.com/quodlibet/quodlibet/issues for a list of all currently open bugs and feature requests.


Joe Wreschnig and Michael Urman are the primary authors of Quod Libet.

See Also

regex(7), gst-launch(1)

Referenced By

operon(1), playerctl(1).