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A tool for generating and solving Sudoku puzzles


qqwing --generate [Options...]
qqwing --solve [Options...]


qqwing is a Sudoku puzzle generator and solver. It offers the following features:

· Fast. It can solve 1000 puzzles in 1 second and generate 1000 puzzles in 25 seconds.

· Uses logic. Uses as many solve techniques as possible when solving puzzles rather than guessing.

· Rates puzzles. Most generators don't give an indication of the difficulty of a Sudoku puzzle. QQwing does.

· Can print solve instructions. Tells steps that need to be taken to solve any puzzle.

· Customizable output style, including a CSV style that is easy to import into a database.


--generate <num>

Generate new puzzles


Solve all the puzzles from standard input


Generate only simple, easy, intermediate, expert, or any

--symmetry <sym>

Symmetry: none, rotate90, rotate180, mirror, flip, or random


Print the puzzle (default when generating)


Do not print the puzzle (default when solving)


Print the solution (default when solving)


Do not print the solution (default when generating)


Print statistics about moves used to solve the puzzle


Do not print statistics (default)


Print time to generate or solve each puzzle


Do not print solve or generation times (default)


Count the number of solutions to puzzles


Do not count the number of solutions (default)


Print trial and error used when solving


Do not print trial and error to solve (default)


Print the steps (at least 81) needed to solve the puzzle


Do not print steps to solve (default)


Print trial and error to solve as it happens


Do not print trial and error  to solve as it happens


Print puzzles on one line of 81 characters


Print puzzles on 9 lines of 9 characters


Print puzzles in human readable form (default)


Output CSV format with one line puzzles


Display help message


Display author and license information


Display version number

See Also


