pyfiglet - Man Page

display text in large ASCII art fonts.

Synopsis [options] text...


pyFIGlet is a program that creates large characters out of ordinary screen characters. It takes ASCII text (text) and renders it in ASCII art fonts.

This version of pyfiglet supports FIGlet fonts .flf and the FIGlet-compatible toilet-fonts .tlf.



show program's version number and exit

-h,  --help

show this help message and exit

-f FONT, --font=FONT

font to render with (default: future)


set direction text will be formatted in (default: auto)

-j SIDE, --justify=SIDE

set justification, defaults to print direction

-w COLS, --width=COLS

set terminal width for wrapping/justification (default: 80)

-r,  --reverse

shows mirror image of output text

-F,  --flip

flips rendered output text over

See Also

toilet(1), figlet(1)


June 2011 pyfiglet 0.6