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public-inbox-imapd - Man Page

IMAP server for sharing public-inboxes


  public-inbox-imapd [OPTIONS]


public-inbox-imapd provides a read-only IMAP daemon for public-inbox.  It uses options and environment variables common to all public-inbox-daemon(8) implementations.

Like public-inbox-nntpd(1) and public-inbox-httpd(1), public-inbox-imapd will never require write access to the directory where the public-inboxes are stored, so it may be run as a different user than the user running public-inbox-watch(1), public-inbox-mda(1), or git-fetch(1).


See common options in "OPTIONS" in public-inbox-daemon(8). Additionally, IMAP-specific behavior for certain options are supported and documented below.

-l PROTOCOL://ADDRESS/?cert=/path/to/cert,key=/path/to/key
--listen PROTOCOL://ADDRESS/?cert=/path/to/cert,key=/path/to/key

In addition to the normal -l/--listen switch described in public-inbox-daemon(8), the PROTOCOL prefix (e.g. imap:// or imaps://) may be specified to force a given protocol.

For STARTTLS and IMAPS support, the cert and key may be specified on a per-listener basis after a ? character and separated by ,. These directives are per-directive, and it's possible to use a different cert for every listener.

--cert /path/to/cert

The default TLS certificate for optional STARTTLS and IMAPS support if the cert option is not given with --listen.

If using systemd-compatible socket activation and a TCP listener on port 993 is inherited, it is automatically IMAPS when this option is given. When a listener on port 143 is inherited and this option is given, it automatically gets STARTTLS support.

--key /path/to/key

The default private TLS certificate key for optional STARTTLS and IMAPS support if the key option is not given with --listen.  The private key may be concatenated into the path used by --cert, in which case this option is not needed.


public-inbox-imapd uses the same configuration knobs as public-inbox-nntpd(1), see public-inbox-nntpd(1) and public-inbox-config(5).


The newsgroup name maps to an IMAP folder name.


Feedback welcome via plain-text mail to <mailto:meta@public-inbox.org>

The mail archives are hosted at <https://public-inbox.org/meta/>, and <nntp://news.public-inbox.org/inbox.comp.mail.public-inbox.meta>, <nntp://4uok3hntl7oi7b4uf4rtfwefqeexfzil2w6kgk2jn5z2f764irre7byd.onion/inbox.comp.mail.public-inbox.meta>

See Also

git(1), git-config(1), public-inbox-daemon(8), public-inbox-config(5), public-inbox-nntpd(1)

Referenced By

lei-security(7), public-inbox-config(5), public-inbox-daemon(8), public-inbox-glossary(7), public-inbox-pop3d(1), public-inbox-tuning(7).

1993-10-02 public-inbox.git public-inbox user manual