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public-inbox-compact - Man Page

compact Xapian DBs in an inbox


public-inbox-compact INBOX_DIR

public-inbox-compact --all


public-inbox-compact is a wrapper for xapian-compact(1) which locks the inbox and prevents other processes such as public-inbox-watch(1) or public-inbox-mda(1) from writing while it operates.

It enforces the use of the --no-renumber option of xapian-compact(1) which is required to work with the rest of the public-inbox search code.

This command is rarely needed for active inboxes.

Using the --compact option of public-inbox-index(1) is recommended, instead, and only when doing a --reindex.



Compact all inboxes configured in ~/.public-inbox/config. This is an alternative to specifying individual inboxes directories on the command-line.


These options are passed directly to xapian-compact(1).



The default config file, normally "~/.public-inbox/config". See public-inbox-config(5)


The number of documents to update before committing changes to disk.  This environment is handled directly by Xapian, refer to Xapian API documentation for more details.

Default: 10000


Feedback welcome via plain-text mail to <mailto:meta@public-inbox.org>

The mail archives are hosted at <https://public-inbox.org/meta/> and <http://4uok3hntl7oi7b4uf4rtfwefqeexfzil2w6kgk2jn5z2f764irre7byd.onion/meta/>

See Also

xapian-compact(1), public-inbox-index(1)

Referenced By

public-inbox-index(1), public-inbox-v1-format(5), public-inbox-v2-format(5), public-inbox-xcpdb(1).

1993-10-02 public-inbox.git public-inbox user manual