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psfpages - Man Page

list codepages known to the PSF Tools


psfpages [codepages]


If run with no arguments, psfpages lists the codepages supported by  the psftools utilities.

If one or more codepage names is supplied, psfpages dumps the contents of the mapping tables for the named codepages.

There are currently three sorts of codepage compiled into the psftools: ISO 8859 codepages, referred to by encoding name (eg "8859-1");  numbered codepages, referred to by their number (eg "CP437" or just "437") and nonstandard codepages. Currently the nonstandard codepages are:


The codepage used by CP/M on the Amstrad PCW, CPC and Spectrum +3.


The codepage used by the BBC Micro (covers characters 32-127 only).


The codepage used by GEM on the IBM PC.


The codepages used by the character ROM on Amstrad PPC laptops and their desktop counterpart, the Sinclair PC200. These differ slightly from the standard codepages 437, 860 and 865 to avoid confusion between the 'epsilon' and 'element-of' characters.

from Unicode.org, and partly from the *.uni files supplied with  the Linux kbd-1.12 utilities. In most cases they have been modified to replace the control code entries with the glyphs that are actually  observed in the fonts. For example, compare unicode.org's CP437.TXT  with the output of psfpages for codepage 437.


The AMSTRAD character 7Fh (zero without a slash) has been mapped to  U+FF10 FULLWIDTH DIGIT ZERO, rather than to U+0030 DIGIT ZERO. This is  not ideal, but it avoids the information loss of mapping two different  character shapes to the same codepoint.

The PCGEM character 0Ah (bell) has been mapped to U+237E BELL SYMBOL,  but it's not the same sort of bell at all; the GEM character is a dingbat,  but the Unicode bell is a symbol for a circuit diagram.

Six characters in the PCGEM character set (0DAh to 0DFh) appear not to be  used, and display as blank in all known PCGEM fonts. Their mapping entries reflect this status; they will be ignored when a Unicode directory is being created, and set to blank when a PSF is written with this codepage.


John Elliott <jce@seasip.demon.co.uk>.

Referenced By

fnt2psf(1), mda2psf(1), psf2bdf(1), psf2fnt(1), psf2raw(1), psf2wof(1), psfxform(1), raw2psf(1), wof2psf(1), wyse2psf(1).

21 June, 2008 Version 1.0.8 PSF Tools