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ppmddumpfont - Man Page

dump a Ppmdfont file




This program is part of Netpbm(1).

ppmddumpfont reads a Ppmdfont file on Standard Input and writes to Standard Error a human readable description of the font.

(There are no arguments or options)

See Libnetpbm PPM Drawing Function Manual" (1) for details on Ppmdfont files.

See Also

ppmdraw(1), ppmdmkfont(1), ppmdcfont(1), Libnetpbm PPM Drawing Function Manual(1)

Document Source

This manual page was generated by the Netpbm tool 'makeman' from HTML source.  The master documentation is at


Referenced By

ppmdcfont(1), ppmdmkfont(1).

September 2005 netpbm documentation