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ppl_pips - Man Page

a PPL-based parametric integer programming problem solver


ppl_pips [OPTION]... [FILE]


Reads the definition of a Parametric Integer Programming problem and displays the lexicographic minimum in terms of the values of the parameters.


-RMB,  --max-memory=MB

limits memory usage to MB megabytes

-h,  --help

prints this help text to stdout

-oPATH,  --output=PATH

appends output to PATH

-P,  --polylib

reads problem in PolyLib format (default)

-p,  --piplib

reads problem in PipLib format

-t,  --timings

prints timings to stderr

-v,  --verbose

produces lots of output

-i,  --iterations=N

executes the resolution N times (default=1)

-V,  --version

prints version information to stdout

-cPATH,  --check=PATH

checks if the result is equal to what is in PATH

Cut generation options

-f,  --cut-first

uses the first non-integer row (default)

-d,  --cut-deepest

tries to generate the deepest cut

-a,  --cut-all

always generates all possible cuts

Pivot row strategy options

-F,  --row-first

uses the first row with negative parameter (default)

-M,  --row-max

chooses row generating the lexico-maximal pivot column


The latest version of the Parma Polyhedra Library and all the documentation is available at http://bugseng.com/products/ppl/ .


The options -CSECS (--max-cpu=SECS) and -t (--timings) are not available on some platforms.

The PolyLib format is as follows:


See the file CREDITS in the source distribution or use the command ppl-config --credits for a list of contributors.

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs to <ppl-devel@cs.unipr.it>.

See Also


Paul Feautrier. Parametric Integer Programming. RAIRO Recherche Operationnelle, 22(3):243-268, 1988.

Paul Feautrier, Jean-Francois Collard, and Cedric Bastoul. PIP/PipLib: A Solver for Parametric Integer Programming Problems, 5.0 edition, July 2007. Distributed with PIP/PipLib 1.4.0.


February 2016 ppl_pips 1.2