policytool - Man Page

Reads and writes a plain text policy file based on user input through the utility GUI.


policytool [ -file ] [ filename ]

Directs the policytool command to load a policy file.


The name of the file to be loaded.


Run the policy tool administrator utility:


Run the policytool command and load the specified file:

policytool -file mypolicyfile


The policytool command calls an administrator's GUI that enables system administrators to manage the contents of local policy files. A policy file is a plain-text file with a .policy extension, that maps remote requestors by domain, to permission objects. For details, see Default Policy Implementation and Policy File Syntax at http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/security/PolicyFiles.html



Directs the policytool command to load a policy file.

See Also

Referenced By

icedtea-web(1), itweb-settings(1), javaws(1), policyeditor(1), serialver(1).

03 March 2015 JDK 8 Security Tools