pmempool-info - Man Page

show information about persistent memory pool


$ pmempool info [<options>] <file>


The pmempool invoked with info command analyzes an existing pool created by PMDK libraries provided by file parameter. The file can be either existing pool file, a part file or a poolset file.

The main task of this command is to print all usable information from pool headers and user data in human readable format. It automatically recognizes the pool type by parsing and analyzing the pool header. The recognition is done by checking the signature in the pool header. The main job of info command is to present internal data structures as they are stored in file but not for checking consistency. For this purpose there is the pmempool-check(1) command available.

The pmempool with info command analyzes pool file as long as it is possible regarding correctness of internal meta-data (correct offsets, sizes etc.). If it is not possible to analyze the rest of the file, pmempool exits with error code and prints appropriate error message.

Currently there is lack of interprocess synchronization for pool files, so the info command should be invoked off-line. Using pmempool on pool file which may be modified by another process may lead to unexpected errors in pool file.

pmempool info opens pool file in read-only mode so the file will remain untouched after processing.

The info command may collect and print basic statistics about data usage. The statistics are specific to the type of pool. See Statistics section for details.

Although the pool consistency is not checked by the info command, it prints information about checksum errors and/or offsets errors.

Available options

By default the info command of pmempool prints information about the most important internal data structures from pool. The particular set of headers and meta-data depend on pool type. The pool type is recognized automatically and appropriate information is displayed in human-readable format.

To force processing specified file(s) as desired pool type use -f option with appropriate name of pool type. The valid name of the pool type is obj. This option may be useful when the pool header is corrupted and automatic recognition of pool type fails.

-f, --force obj

Force parsing pool as specified pool type.

NOTE: By default only pool headers and internal meta-data are displayed. To display user data use -d option. Using -r option you can specify number of objects using special text format. See Range section for details. The range refers to object numbers in case of pmem obj pool type. See the Example section for an example of usage of these options.

-d, --data

Dump user data in hexadecimal format.

-r, --range <range>

Range of objects/zone headers/chunk headers/lanes. See Range section for details about range format.

-n, --human

Print sizes in human-readable format with appropriate units (e.g. 4k, 8M, 16G)

-x, --headers-hex

Print pool’s internal data in mixed format which consists of hexadecimal dump of header’s data and parsed format displayed in human-readable format. This allows one to see how data is stored in file.

-s, --stats

Print pool’s statistics. See Statistics section for details.

-k, --bad-blocks=<yes|no>

Print bad blocks found in the pool.

-h, --help

Display help message and exit.

NOTE: By default the info command displays all data blocks when -d options is used. However it is possible to skip blocks marked with zero and/or error flags. It is also possible to skip blocks which are not marked with any flag. Skipping blocks has impact on blocks ranges (e.g. display 10 blocks marked with error flag in the range from 0 to 10000) and statistics.

-z, --skip-zeros

Skip blocks marked with zero flag.

-e, --skip-error

Skip blocks marked with error flag.

-u, --skip-no-flag

Skip blocks not marked with any flag.

By default the info command displays pool header and pmemobj pool descriptor. In order to print information about other data structures one of the following options may be used.

-l, --lanes [<range>]

Print information about lanes. If range is not specified all lanes are displayed. The range can be specified using -r option right after the -l option. See Range section for details about range format.

-R, --recovery

Print information about only those lanes which require recovery process. This option requires -l, –lanes option.

-O, --object-store

Print information about all allocated objects.

-t, --types <range>

Print information about allocated objects only from specified range of type numbers. If -s, –stats option is specified the objects statistics refer to objects from specified range of type numbers. This option requires -O, –object-store or -s, –stats options. See Range section for details about range format.

-E, --no-empty

Ignore empty lists of objects. This option requires -O, –object-store option.

-o, --root

Print information about a root object.

-A, --alloc-header

Print object’s allocation header. This option requires -O, –object-store or -l, –lanes or -o, –root options.

-a, --oob-header

Print object’s out of band header. This option requires -O, –object-store or -l, –lanes or -o, –root options.

-H, --heap

Print information about pmemobj heap. By default only a heap header is displayed.

-Z, --zones

If the -H, –heap option is used, print information about zones from specified range. If the -O, –object-store option is used, print information about objects only from specified range of zones. This option requires -O, –object-store, -H, –heap or -s, –stats options. The range can be specified using -r option right after the -Z option. See Range section for details about range format.

-C, --chunks [<range>]

If the -H, –heap option is used, print information about chunks from specified range. By default information about chunks of types used , free and run are displayed. If the -O, –object-store option is used, print information about objects from specified range of chunks within a zone. This option requires -O, –object-store, -H, –heap or -s, –stats options. The range can be specified using -r option right after the -C option. See Range section for details about range format.

-T, --chunk-type used,free,run,footer

Print only specified type(s) of chunks. The multiple types may be specified separated by comma. This option requires -H, –heap and -C, –chunks options.

-b, --bitmap

Print bitmap of used blocks in chunks of type run. This option requires -H, –heap and -C, –chunks options.

-p, --replica <num>

Print information from <num> replica. The 0 value means the master pool file.


Using -r, –range option it is possible to dump only a range of user data. This section describes valid format of <range> string.

You can specify multiple ranges separated by commas.


All data chunks from <first> to <last> will be dumped.


All data chunks up to <last> will be dumped.


All data chunks starting from <first> will be dumped.


Only <number> data chunk will be dumped.


Below is the description of statistical measures for the obj pool type.


$ pmempool info pool.obj

Parse and print information about pool.obj pool file.

$ pmempool info -d pool.obj

Print information and data in hexadecimal dump format for the pool.obj file.

$ pmempool info -d -r10-100 -eu pool.obj

Print information from the pool.obj file. Dump data chunks from 10 to 100, skip blocks marked with error flag and not marked with any flag.

See Also

pmempool(1), libpmemobj(7) and\c

Referenced By


2024-07-18 PMDK - PMDK Programmer's Manual