pmempool - Man Page

Persistent Memory Pool Management Tool


$ pmempool [--help] [--version] <command> [<args>]


The pmempool is a management tool for Persistent Memory pool files created by PMDK libraries.

The main purpose of pmempool is to provide a user with a set of utilities for off-line analysis and manipulation of pools created by pmem libraries. The pmempool is a generic command which consists of subcommands for specific purposes. Some of subcommands are required to work without any impact on processed pool, but some of them may create a new or modify an existing one.

The pmempool may be useful for troubleshooting by system administrators and for software developers who work on applications based on PMDK. The latter may find these tools useful for testing and debugging purposes also.


-V,  --version
Prints the version of pmempool.
-h,  --help
Prints synopsis and list of commands.


Currently there is a following set of commands available:

In order to get more information about specific command you can use pmempool help .


The debug logs are available only in the debug version of the tool, which is not provided by binary packages, but can be built from sources. The pmempool.static-debug binary can be found in the `src/tools/pmempool/' subdirectory.

The value of PMEMPOOL_TOOL_LOG_LEVEL enables trace points in the debug version of the tool, as follows:

Unless PMEMPOOL_TOOL_LOG_FILE is set, debugging output is written to stderr.

Specifies the name of a file where all logging information should be written. If the last character in the name is “-”, the PID of the current process will be appended to the file name when the log file is created. If PMEMPOOL_TOOL_LOG_FILE is not set, output is written to stderr.

See Also

libpmempool(7) and\c

Referenced By

pmemobj_open(3), pmempool-check(1), pmempool-convert(1), pmempool-create(1), pmempool-dump(1), pmempool-info(1), pmempool-rm(1), pmempool-sync(1), pmempool-transform(1), poolset(5).

2024-07-18 PMDK - PMDK Programmer's Manual