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pmdamysql - Man Page

MySQL and MariaDB database PMDA


pmdamysql is a Performance Co-Pilot PMDA which extracts live performance data from a running MySQL or MariaDB database.


pmdamysql uses a configuration file from (in this order):

This file can contain overridden values (Perl code) for the settings listed at the start of pmdamysql.pl, namely:

On some versions of MariaDB (10+) the performance schema is disabled by default, and must be enabled for the PMDA to function. This is achieved by adding the string "performance_schema" into the "[mysqld]" section of the MariaDB configuration file (either my.cnf or my.ini). The "SHOW ENGINES" SQL statement shows support for the performance schema.

Once these initial setup actions are complete, you can access the names and values for the mysql performance metrics by doing the following as root:

# cd $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/mysql
# ./Install

To uninstall, the following must be done as root:

# cd $PCP_PMDAS_DIR/mysql
# ./Remove

pmdamysql is launched by pmcd(1) and should never be executed directly. The Install and Remove scripts notify pmcd(1) when the agent is installed or removed.

Binary Status values in text

Some of the status values are in the form of YES/NO or ON/OFF.

Since these cannot be interpreted by tools like pmie(1), they have been duplicated with a _num extension and the values of 1 (YES/ON) or 0 (NO/OFF).


  • mysql.slave_status.slave_io_running
  • mysql.slave_status.slave_io_running_num



configuration file for all PCP database monitors


configuration file for pmdamysql


installation script for the pmdamysql agent


undo installation script for the pmdamysql agent


default log file for error messages from pmdamysql

PCP Environment

Environment variables with the prefix PCP_ are used to parameterize the file and directory names used by PCP. On each installation, the file /etc/pcp.conf contains the local values for these variables. The $PCP_CONF variable may be used to specify an alternative configuration file, as described in pcp.conf(5).

See Also

PCPIntro(1), pmcd(1), pmdadbping(1), pmie(1) and DBI(3).


PCP Performance Co-Pilot