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planarity - Man Page

The Edge Addition Planarity Suite


planarity [-q] [-h|-help] [-i|-info] [-r] [-s] [-rm] [-rn]


Invokes the Edge Addition Planarity Suite commandline tool.

Without argument, the tool presents a menu-driven interactive interface.

When used in batch mode, the tool returns 0 for a planar graph, 1 for a nonplanar graph and -1 on error.



Quiet mode

-h,  -help

Display some help

-i,  -info

Display copyright, license and reference articles information


Features in batch mode.

-r C K N

Run the C command (see below) on K random graphs with N vertices

-s C I O [O2]

Run the C command (see below) on a specific graph given in the I input file, with output in the primary O file and complementary information in the secondary O2 file.

-rm N O [O2]

Compute a maximal planar random graph on N vertices with output in the primary O file and optionally the chosen graph in the O2 file.

-rn N O [O2]

Compute a nonplanar random graph (maximal planar and an edge) on N vertices with output in the primary O file and optionally the chosen graph in the O2 file.


Determine which algorithm implementation to run


Planar embedding and Kuratowski subgraph isolation


Planar graph drawing by visibility representation


Outerplanar embedding and obstruction isolation


Search for subgraph homeomorphic to K_{2,3}


Search for subgraph homeomorphic to K_{3,3}


Search for subgraph homeomorphic to K_4


All of the above


planarity -s -q -p infile.txt embedding.out [obstruction.out]

Process infile.txt in quiet mode (-q), putting planar embedding in  embedding.out or (optionally) a Kuratowski subgraph in Obstruction.out Process returns 0=planar, 1=nonplanar, -1=error

planarity -s -q -d infile.txt embedding.out [drawing.out]

If graph in infile.txt is planar, then put embedding in embedding.out  and (optionally) an ASCII art drawing in drawing.out Process returns 0=planar, 1=nonplanar, -1=error

See Also

planarity -h -menu for more information.