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pki-client - Man Page

Command-line interface for managing the NSS database on PKI client.


pki [CLI-options] client
pki [CLI-options] client-init [command-options]
pki [CLI-options] client-cert-find [command-options]
pki [CLI-options] client-cert-request [subject-DN] [command-options]
pki [CLI-options] client-cert-import [nickname] [command-options]
pki [CLI-options] client-cert-mod nickname [command-options]
pki [CLI-options] client-cert-show nickname [command-options]
pki [CLI-options] client-cert-del nickname [command-options]


The pki-client commands provide command-line interfaces to manage the NSS database on the client's machine.

pki [CLI-options] client
   This command is to list available client commands.

pki [CLI-options] client-init [command-options]
   This command is to create a new NSS database for the client.

pki [CLI-options] client-cert-find [command-options]
   This command is to list certificates in the NSS database.

pki [CLI-options] client-cert-request [subject-DN] [command-options]
   This command is to generate and submit a certificate request.

pki [CLI-options] client-cert-import [nickname] [command-options]
   This command is to import a certificate into the NSS database.

pki [CLI-options] client-cert-mod nickname [command-options]
   This command is to modify a certificate in the NSS database.

pki [CLI-options] client-cert-show nickname [command-options]
   This command is to view a certificate in the NSS database.

pki [CLI-options] client-cert-del nickname [command-options]
   This command is to delete a certificate from the NSS database.


The CLI options are described in pki(1).


To view available client commands, type pki client. To view each command's usage, type pki client-<command> --help.

To create a new database execute the following command:

$ pki -d <NSS database location> -c <NSS database password> client-init

To list certificates in the NSS database:

$ pki -d <NSS database location> -c <NSS database password> client-cert-find

To request a certificate:

$ pki -d <NSS database location> -c <NSS database password> client-cert-request [subject DN]

The subject DN requirement depends on the certificate profile being requested. Some profiles may require the user to provide a subject DN in a certain format. Some other profiles may generate their own subject DN.

Certain profiles may also require additional authentication. To authenticate, a username and a password can be specified using the --username and --password options, respectively. If the subject DN is not specififed the CLI may use the username to generate a default subject DN "UID=username".

To import a certificate from a file into the NSS database:

$ pki -d <NSS database location> -c <NSS database password> client-cert-import [*nickname*] \
    --cert <path>

To import a CA certificate from a file into the NSS database:

$ pki -d <NSS database location> -c <NSS database password> client-cert-import <nickname> \
    --ca-cert <path>

To import certificates and private keys from a PKCS #12 file into the NSS database:

$ pki -d <NSS database location> -c <NSS database password> client-cert-import \
    --pkcs12 <path> --pkcs12-password <password>

To import a certificate from CA server into the NSS database:

$ pki -d <NSS database location> -c <NSS database password> client-cert-import <nickname> \
    --serial <serial number>

To import a CA certificate from CA server into the NSS database:

$ pki -d <NSS database location> -c <NSS database password> client-cert-import <nickname> \

To modify a certificate's trust flags in the NSS database:

$ pki -d <NSS database location> -c <NSS database password> client-cert-mod <nickname> \
    --trust <trust flags>

To display a certificate in the NSS database:

$ pki -d <NSS database location> -c <NSS database password> client-cert-show <nickname>

To export a certificate from the NSS database into a PEM file:

$ pki -d <NSS database location> -c <NSS database password> client-cert-show <nickname> \
    --cert <path>

To export a certificate chain with the private key from the NSS database into a PKCS #12 file:

$ pki -d <NSS database location> -c <NSS database password> client-cert-show <nickname> \
    --pkcs12 <path> --pkcs12-password <password>

To export a certificate chain with the private key with a password file:

$ pki -d <NSS database location> -c <NSS database password> client-cert-show <nickname> \
    --pkcs12 <path> --pkcs12-password-file <path>

To export a client certificate with the private key from the NSS database into a PEM file:

$ pki -d <NSS database location> -c <NSS database password> client-cert-show <nickname> \
    --client-cert <path>

To delete a certificate from the NSS database:

$ pki -d <NSS database location> -c <NSS database password> client-cert-del <nickname>


Ade Lee &lt;alee@redhat.com&gt;, Endi Dewata &lt;edewata@redhat.com&gt;, and Matthew Harmsen &lt;mharmsen@redhat.com&gt;.

Referenced By


May 5, 2014 PKI NSS Database Management Commands