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pia - Man Page

play media files


pia [ options ] movie


pia is a small X11 tool which plays movie files.


pia understands the usual toolkit options (-geometry + friends). Additional options are:


display help text


be verbose.


enable debug messages.

-dsp <dev>

Use OSS device <dev> for sound.


Disable Xvideo extension.


Disable OpenGL.


Don't play sound.


Don't play video.

-slow n

Slowdown video playback by factor n.  n=2 doubles playback time, ... This also turns off audio playback.

Supported Movie Formats

Main purpose of this utility is to playback movie files recorded by xawtv, motv and streamer.  It should be able to playback every AVI or QuickTime movie written by one of the mentioned utilities.  Feel free to submit a bug report if this doesn't work for some file.


pia uses libquicktime to decode quicktime movies, thus it should be able to decode and playback all movies with codecs supported by libquicktime.


AVI support is very limited.  Video: uncompressed RGB data (15 and 24 bpp) and mjpeg is supported.  Audio: only uncompressed PCM data works.


WAV files are playable too, with the same limitation like AVI audio: only uncompressed PCM data.


Gerd Knorr <kraxel@bytesex.org>


(c) 2002 Gerd Knorr