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phpdbg - Man Page

The interactive PHP debugger


phpdbg [options] [file] [args...]


phpdbg is a lightweight, powerful, easy to use debugging platform for PHP.


-c path|file

Look for php.ini file in the directory path or use the specified file

-d foo[=bar]

Define INI entry foo with value bar


No php.ini file will be used

-z file

Load Zend extension file


Do not print banner on startup


Enable oplog output


Disables use of color on the console

-i path|file

Override .phpgdbinit location (implies -I)


Ignore .phpdbginit (default init file)


Jump straight to run


Generate extended information for debugger/profiler


Enable step through eval()

-s delimiter

Read code to execute from stdin with an optional delimiter

-S sapi_name

Override SAPI name

-p opcode

Output opcodes and quit


Print the help overview


Version number


Arguments passed to script. Use '--' args when first argument starts with '-' or script is read from stdin


Passing -rr will cause phpdbg to quit after execution, rather than returning to the console



The standard configuration file


The init file

See Also

The online manual can be found at



You can view the list of known bugs or report any new bug you found at



Written by Felipe Pena, Joe Watkins and Bob Weinand, formatted by Ondřej Surý for Debian project.

A List of active developers can be found at


And last but not least PHP was developed with the help of a huge amount of contributors all around the world.

Version Information

This manpage describes phpdbg, for PHP version 8.3.10RC1.

Referenced By

The man page zts-phpdbg(1) is an alias of phpdbg(1).

2024 The PHP Group Scripting Language