pft-ls - Man Page

List objects in your PFT site


pft ls class [options]


List objects.

The general usage provides a class of objects to lists. For instance

    pft ls tags

Will list all the tags from all pages and entries.


Many classes are supported. Here follows a list with a short description. For better details see pft(1).


List all regular pages in ROOT/content/pages.

This class supports the --pretty argument.


List all blog pages in ROOT/content/blog. This includes daily entries and monthly entries

This class supports the --pretty argument.


Scan through all entries and list all used tags.


List all tag pages, that is pages describing tags.

This class supports the --pretty argument.


--help | -h

Show this help.


Show paths and titles, namely quick alias for:


Print properties of the listed nodes according to the specified format. The format supports a custom percent notation similar in spirit to printf(2).

Note that some of placeholders will be expanded with empty strings when the corresponding object property is void. For example, pages don't have a date). If this is the case the placeholder gets expanded with an empty string.

The output is encoding depending on the locale.




Path (might be void if the node is virtual)


Comma separated list of tags (possibly void)


Author (possibly void)


Slug (or name, if the node is virtual)


Date in yyyy-mm-dd format (possibly void)


Year (possibly void)


Month (possibly void)


Day (possibly void)


Comma separated value of option=value pairs (possibly void)

See Also


Referenced By


2024-07-18 perl v5.40.0 User Contributed Perl Documentation