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pfscolortransform - Man Page

Apply color calibration using user provided matrix file.


pfscolortransform (--xyzrgb matrix-file | --rgbxyz matrix-file) [--transpose]


Use this command to calibrate colours using a calibration matrix supplied in a text file.  The command is intended for linearized (not gamma corrected) color spaces.  The matrix should be 3x3 and it should transform from CIE XYZ to ITU rec. 709 RGB (sRGB primaries but linear, no gamma)  or from the same RGB to CIE XYZ (see options below). The text file should contain three rows with numbers separated by a comma,  for example:




If the --xyzrgb is supplied, the pixel values are color-transformed as follows:

[RGB]' = M * [XYZ]

where ' is matrix transposition, * is matrix multiplication, RGB is a vector of RGB values  and XYZ is the vector of CIE XYZ trichromatic values. If the --rgbxyz is supplied,  the pixel values are color-transformed as follows:

[XYZ]' = M * [RGB]


--xyzrgb matrix-file, -x matrix-file

User provided matrix is a conversion matrix to convert from XYZ to RGB color space.

--rgbxyz matrix-file, -r matrix-file

User provided matrix is a conversion matrix to convert from RGB to XYZ color space.

--transpose, -t

Take transpose of provided matrix file.


pfsin memorial.hdr | pfscolortransform -x matrix.txt | pfsout memorial_gc.ppm

Color calibrate memorial image with matrix in matrix.txt file and save to memorial_gc.ppm.

See Also

pfsin(1) pfsout(1) pfsdisplayfunction(1)


Please report bugs and comments to the pfstools discussion group (http://groups.google.com/group/pfstools).

Referenced By

luminance-hdr(1), luminance-hdr-cli(1), pfsindcraw(1).