pencil2d - Man Page
manual page for Pencil2D 0.7.0
pencil2d [options] input
Pencil2D is an animation/drawing software for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux. It lets you create traditional hand-drawn animation (cartoon) using both bitmap and vector graphics.
- -h, --help
Displays help on commandline options.
- --help-all
Displays help, including generic Qt options.
- -v, --version
Displays version information.
- -o, --export <output_path>
Render the file to <output_path>
- --camera <layer_name>
Name of the camera layer to use
- --width <integer>
Width of the output frames
- --height <integer>
Height of the output frames
- --start <frame>
The first frame you want to include in the exported movie
- --end <frame>
The last frame you want to include in the exported movie. Can also be last or last-sound to automatically use the last frame containing animation or sound, respectively
- --transparency
Render transparency when possible
- input
Path to the input pencil file.
January 2025 Pencil2D 0.7.0