pdns_control - Man Page

Control the PowerDNS nameserver


pdns_control [OPTION]... COMMAND


pdns_control is used to send commands to a running PowerDNS nameserver.



Show summary of options.


Directory where PowerDNS is chrooted.


Location of configuration directory (pdns.conf).


Name of this virtual configuration - will rename the binary image.


Remote address to query.


Remote port to query.


Secret needed to connect to remote PowerDNS.


Where the controlsocket lives.


bind-add-zone ZONE FILENAME

When using the BIND backend, add a zone. This zone is added in-memory and served immediately. Note that this does not add the zone to the bind-config file. FILENAME must be an absolute path.

bind-domain-extended-status [ZONE...]

Output an extended status of all zones, containing much more information than the simple zone status, like the number of records currently loaded, whether pdns is primary or secondary for the zone, the list of primaries, various timers, etc Optionally, append ZONEs to get the status of specific zones.

bind-domain-status [ZONE...]

When using the BIND backend, list status of all zones. Optionally, append ZONEs to get the status of specific zones.


When using the BIND backend, get a list of all rejected zones.

bind-reload-now ZONE [ZONE...]

When using the BIND backend, immediately reload ZONE from disk.


Show the content of the cache.

current-config [diff]

Show the currently running configuration. The output has the same format as pdns_server --config. With the diff option only modified options are included in the output.


Restart the nameserver so it reloads its configuration. Only works when the server is running in guardian mode.


Dump all statistics and their values in a comma separated list, equivalent to show *.

list-zones [primary,secondary,native]

Show a list of zones, optionally filter on the type of zones to show.

notify ZONE

Adds ZONE to the notification list, causing PowerDNS to send out notifications to the nameservers of a zone. Can be used if a secondary missed previous notifications or is generally hard of hearing. Use * to notify for all zones. (Note that you may need to escape the * sign in your shell.)

notify-host ZONE ADDRESS

Same as above but with operator specified IP ADDRESS as destination, to be used if you know better than PowerDNS.

ping, rping

Check if the server is still alive. Will return 'PONG' when it is. ping works when running inside a guardian, whereas rping works when running without a guardian.

purge [RECORD]

Purge entries from the cache. If RECORD ends with a dollar ($) all entries that end with that name are removed. If no record is specified the entire cache is purged.


Get a count of queries per qtype on standard out.


Tell a running pdns_server to quit.


Instructs backends that new zones may have appeared in the database, or, in the case of the BIND backend, in named.conf.


Instruct the server to reload all its zones, this will not add new zones.


Get the top number of remote addresses (clients).


Get a histogram of the response sizes.

retrieve ZONE [IP]

Retrieve secondary ZONE from its primary. Done nearly immediately. If IP is specified, then retrieval is forced from the specified IP. Port may be specified in AFI specific manner.


Set the configuration parameter VARIABLE to VALUE. Currently only the query-logging can be set.


Show a single statistic, as present in the output of the list command.


Show all statistics which names start with the supplied STATISTIC-PREFIX, as a comma-separated list. Only one (ending) wildcard is allowed.


Show usage statistics. This only works if the server is running in guardian mode.

token-login MODULE SLOT PIN

Log on to a PKCS#11 slot. You only need to login once per slot, even if you have multiple keys on single slot. Only available if PowerDNS was compiled with PKCS#11 support.


Show the uptime of the running server.


Print the version of the running pdns daemon.

See Also

pdns_server (1), pdnsutil (1)



Referenced By

pdns_server(1), pdnsutil(1).

Sep 30, 2024 PowerDNS Authoritative Server