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pcp2pdf - Man Page

pcp2pdf Documentation


pcp2pdf [options] -a <pcparchive>


pcp2pdf generates a pdf report from a PCP archive. Per default, the report contains a graph plotting each metric and its corresponding frequency histogram. By default all the metrics contained in the archive will be plotted. In order to limit or augment the plotted metrics in the report, use the --include, --exclude or --custom options.

pcp2pdf only operates on PCP archive files and cannot use live data.

pcp2pdf needs a locally running pmcd in order to fetch the help text of each metric. Without it running the report won't have metrics help text.


-a <archivefile>

Sets the PCP archive name to be parsed

-i <metrics>--include <metrics>

Includes metrics which match the specified regular expression. For example:

--include 'network.*'

will include only metrics starting with 'network.'. The option can be specified multiple times. If only --include is specified, only the matching metrics will be included in the output. If both --include and --exclude are specified, first all excluded metrics are evaluted, and then the ones explicitely included.

-e <metrics>--exclude <metrics>

Excludes metrics which match the specified regular expression. For example:

--exclude 'proc.*'

will exclude all metrics starting with 'proc.'. The option can be specified multiple times. If only --exclude is specified, all metrics are shown except the specified ones.

-c <graphs>--custom <graphs>

Add custom graphs with multiple metrics. For example:

--custom 'traffic:network.tcp.outrsts:.*,network.tcp.ofoqueue.*,network.interfaces.out.*:eth[0-9]'

will create a 'traffic' page with the each matched metric and the corresponding matched indom single graph. The general syntax is the following:

--custom '<label>:<metric1_regex>:<indom1_regex>,...<metricN_regex>:<indomN_regex>'

The option can be specified multiple times. This makes it easy to try and correlate metrics that normally would not appear on the same graph. The different metrics' values need to be in similar scales or the graph will be not too useful.

-o <filename>--output <filename>

Output file name (default: output.pdf)

-r,  --raw

Disable rate conversion Disables the rateconversion for all the metrics that have the PM_SEM_COUNTER semantic associated with them. By default those are converted via the following formula

(value(T) - value(T-1)) / (T - T-1)

By setting this option the aforementioned conversion will not take place.

-l <labels>--label <labels>

Adds one or more labels to a graph at specified time For example:

--label 'foo:2014-01-01 13:45:03' --label 'bar:2014-01-02 13:15:15'

will add two extra labels on every graph at those times.  This is usually useful for correlation analysis. The time format is specified in the PCPIntro(1) man page.

-S <time>--start <time>

Sets the start of the time for the analysis See PCPIntro(1) for the accepted time formats. For example:

--start "Fri Oct 10 22:10:12.362 2014"
-T <time>--finish <time>

Sets the end of the time window See PCPIntro(1) for the accepted time formats. For example:

--finish "Sat Oct 11 01:00:00.00 2014"
-t <interval>--interval <interval>

Sets the sampling interval See PCPIntro(1) for the accepted interval formats. For example:

--interval "14 minute"
-n,  --nohistogram

Disable the frequency histogram graphs (enabled by default)

-V,  --version

Display version number and exit


Show the usage message and exit

See Also

PCPIntro(1) pmcd(1)


Homepage <http://github.com/performancecopilot/pcp2pdf Reporting issues <http://github.com/performancecopilot/pcp2pdf/issues>


Michele Baldessari


June 01, 2015 0.3