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pbmtopsg3 - Man Page

convert PBM images to Postscript with G3 fax compression


pbmtopsg3 [--title=title] [--dpi=dpi] [filespec]


This program is part of Netpbm(1).

pbmtopsg3 converts the PBM images in the input PBM file to pages in a Postscript file encoded with G3 fax compression.

pnmtops is a more general program for converting from the Netpbm formats to Postscript, though it cannot produce the particular subformat that pbmtopsg3 does.

If you don't specify filespec, the input is from Standard Input.

Remember that you can create a multi-image PBM file simply by concatenating single-image PBM files, so if each page is in a different file, you might do:

cat faxpage* | pbmtopsg3 >fax.ps


In addition to the options common to all programs based on libnetpbm (most notably -quiet, see Common Options ), pbmtopsg3 recognizes the following command line options:


The Postscript title value.  Default is no title.


The resolution of the Postscript output.  Default is 72 dpi.

See Also

pnmtops(1), pstopnm(1), gs, pstopnm(1), pbmtolps(1), pbmtoepsi(1), pbmtog3(1), g3topbm(1), pbm(1), fax formats(1)

Document Source

This manual page was generated by the Netpbm tool 'makeman' from HTML source.  The master documentation is at


Referenced By


12 March 2017 netpbm documentation