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print paper size information


paper [OPTION...] [PAPER...|--all]


Print paper size information.


show information about all known paper sizes


do not show paper sizes (width followed by height)

--unit UNIT

unit in which to show sizes [pt, mm, in; default: natural units]


display this help message and exit


display version information and exit

paper prints information about the given paper sizes, which can include the standard form of its name, its width and height. The output is designed to be both human- and machine-readable. The name is matched case-insensitively, and ignoring spaces.

If neither a paper size nor the --all option is given, the current paper size is used.

The current paper size is obtained by looking in order at the following values until a non-empty value is found. If no paper size is configured, paper exits with an error.

Environment Variables


Paper size to use.



System default paper size.


User's default paper size.


Written by Reuben Thomas.

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs at https://github.com/rrthomas/libpaper

See Also


Referenced By

epsffit(1), extractres(1), includeres(1), paperspecs(5), psbook(1), psjoin(1), psnup(1), psresize(1), psselect(1), pstops(1), tl-psnup(1), tl-psresize(1), tl-pstops(1).

February 2023 paper 2.0.9