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pamtooctaveimg - Man Page

convert a Netpbm image to a GNU Octave image


pamtooctaveimg [netpbmfile]


This program is part of Netpbm(1).

pamtooctaveimg reads a Netpbm image as input and produces a GNU Octave image file as output.

An Octave image file (called "Octave's image format" in Octave documentation) is a particular kind of Octave data file.  It describes two matrices:

An Octave data file is an ASCII text file that you use to import data to Octave.

See the Image Processing chapter of the GNU Octave manual for details.

pamtooctaveimg writes the output Octave image to Standard Output.


There are no command line options defined specifically for pamtooctaveimg, but it recognizes the options common to all programs based on libnetpbm (See Common Options .)


netpbmfile is the name of the file containing the input PNM or PAM image, or - to indicate Standard Input.  If you don't specify netpbmfile, the input is from Standard Input. pamtooctaveimg converts only the first image in the input stream.


   % pamtooctaveimg myimage.ppm > myimage.img
   % octave
   > [img,map] = loadimage("myimage.img");

   # (At this point, img is an X by Y matrix and map is a 3 by M matrix.)

   > imshow(img,map);   # Displays img with colormap map
   > [r,g,b] = ind2rgb(img,map);

   # (r, g, and b are now each X by Y matrices of color levels [0 to 1].)

   > [newimg,newmap] = rgb2ind(r,b,g);   # Swap the blue and green channels.
   > saveimage("newimage.ppm", newimg, "ppm", newmap);  # Save as a PPM file.


There is no octavetopam program.  However, GNU Octave's saveimage command can save images in PPM format.


pamtooctaveimg was new in Netpbm 10.39 (June 2007).


Copyright (C) 2007 Scott Pakin, scott+pbm@pakin.org.

See Also

octave(1), pam(1).

Document Source

This manual page was generated by the Netpbm tool 'makeman' from HTML source.  The master documentation is at



27 June 2007 netpbm documentation