ots-side-by-side - Man Page

font quality checker


ots-side-by-side FONT_FILE


ots-side-by-side is a program which renders some characters (ASCII, Latin-1, CJK) using both original font and transcoded font and checks that the two rendering results are exactly equal.

The following Unicode characters are used during the test:

0x0020 - 0x007E  // Basic Latin
0x00A1 - 0x017F  // Latin-1
0x1100 - 0x11FF  // Hangul
0x3040 - 0x309F  // Japanese HIRAGANA letters
0x3130 - 0x318F  // Hangul
0x4E00 - 0x4F00  // CJK Kanji/Hanja
0xAC00 - 0xAD00  // Hangul

This tool uses FreeType library.

Note: This tool doesn’t check kerning (GPOS/kern) nor font substitution (GSUB). These should be tested in Layout tests if necessary.


$ ./ots-side-by-side linux/kochi-gothic.ttf  # no problem
$ ./ots-side-by-side free/kredit1.ttf        # this is known issue of OTS.
bitmap metrics doesn't match! (14, 57), (37, 45)

.###+.#.   .#.
*#*   #     #*
##.   #     ##
##    #     ##
##    #     ##
##    #.    ##
##.   #.   .##
##.   #.   .##
*#+   *+   +#*
*#+   *+   +#*
*#+   *+   +#*
*#+   *+   +#*
*#+   *+   *#*
*#+   ++   *#+
+#*   +*   *#+
+#*   +*   *#+
+#*   +*   *#+
+#*   +*   ##.
+#*   +*   ##.
.##   .#   ##
.##   .#   ##
.##   .#   ##
 ##    #   ##
 ##    #   ##
 ##    #  .##
 ##    #  .##
 ##   .#+ +#*
 ##  +######*

.##+.#+    +#
*#* ##      #+
##*###      ##
######      ##
##+.##+    +##
##  ##########
##  +#########
##   +########
*#. .########*
.#* #########.


.#* .##.+#*
*#  ###   *#+
#*######+  .*#+
#########*.  +#*.
###########*   +#*
*############+   *#+
+##############.  .##.
 *##############*   +#*
  +###############+   *#+
    *###############+  .*#+
     .###############*.  +#*.
       +###############*   +#*
         *###############+   *#+
          .*###############+  .*#+
            +###############*.  +#*
              +###############*   **
                *###############+  #+
                 .###############* ##
                   +############+  ##
                     +########*   .##
                      .######.   +###
                     +#####+   .*#..#
                   +#####*    *###..#
                  *#####.   +#######*
                +#####+   .*########.
              +#####*    +#########*
             *#####.   +##########+
           +#####+    *#########*.
         .#####*    +##########+
        *#####.   +##########*
      +#####+    *#########*.
    .#####*    +##########+
   *#####+   +##########*
 .#*++#+    *#########*.
.#+  ##   +##########+
###+  *#########+
##   +########*
*#+ *########.

Glyph mismatch! (file: free/kredit1.ttf, U+0021, 100pt)!

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs to  <https://github.com/khaledhosny/ots/issues>

See Also

ots-idempotent(1), ots-perf(1), ots-sanitize(1), ots-validator-checker(1)

Referenced By

ots-idempotent(1), ots-perf(1), ots-sanitize(1), ots-validator-checker(1).

May 2021 OpenType Sanitizer