openssl-verify.1ossl - Man Page

certificate verification command


openssl verify [-help] [-CRLfile filename|uri] [-crl_download] [-show_chain] [-verbose] [-trusted filename|uri] [-untrusted filename|uri] [-vfyopt nm:v] [-nameopt option] [-CAfile file] [-no-CAfile] [-CApath dir] [-no-CApath] [-CAstore uri] [-no-CAstore] [-engine id] [-allow_proxy_certs] [-attime timestamp] [-no_check_time] [-check_ss_sig] [-crl_check] [-crl_check_all] [-explicit_policy] [-extended_crl] [-ignore_critical] [-inhibit_any] [-inhibit_map] [-partial_chain] [-policy arg] [-policy_check] [-policy_print] [-purpose purpose] [-suiteB_128] [-suiteB_128_only] [-suiteB_192] [-trusted_first] [-no_alt_chains] [-use_deltas] [-auth_level num] [-verify_depth num] [-verify_email email] [-verify_hostname hostname] [-verify_ip ip] [-verify_name name] [-x509_strict] [-issuer_checks] [-provider name] [-provider-path path] [-propquery propq] [--] [certificate ...]


This command verifies certificate chains. If a certificate chain has multiple problems, this program attempts to display all of them.



Print out a usage message.

-CRLfile filename|uri

The file or URI should contain one or more CRLs in PEM or DER format. This option can be specified more than once to include CRLs from multiple sources.


Attempt to download CRL information for certificates via their CDP entries.


Display information about the certificate chain that has been built (if successful). Certificates in the chain that came from the untrusted list will be flagged as "untrusted".


Print extra information about the operations being performed.

-trusted filename|uri

A file or URI of (more or less) trusted certificates. See openssl-verification-options(1) for more information on trust settings.

This option can be specified more than once to load certificates from multiple sources.

-untrusted filename|uri

A file or URI of untrusted certificates to use for chain building. This option can be specified more than once to load certificates from multiple sources.

-vfyopt nm:v

Pass options to the signature algorithm during verify operations. Names and values of these options are algorithm-specific.

-nameopt option

This specifies how the subject or issuer names are displayed. See openssl-namedisplay-options(1) for details.

-engine id

See "Engine Options" in openssl(1). This option is deprecated.

To load certificates or CRLs that require engine support, specify the -engine option before any of the -trusted, -untrusted or -CRLfile options.

-CAfile file, -no-CAfile, -CApath dir, -no-CApath, -CAstore uri, -no-CAstore

See "Trusted Certificate Options" in openssl-verification-options(1) for details.

-allow_proxy_certs,  -attime,  -no_check_time,  -check_ss_sig,  -crl_check,  -crl_check_all,  -explicit_policy,  -extended_crl,  -ignore_critical,  -inhibit_any,  -inhibit_map,  -no_alt_chains,  -partial_chain,  -policy,  -policy_check,  -policy_print,  -purpose,  -suiteB_128,  -suiteB_128_only,  -suiteB_192,  -trusted_first,  -use_deltas,  -auth_level,  -verify_depth,  -verify_email,  -verify_hostname,  -verify_ip,  -verify_name,  -x509_strict -issuer_checks

Set various options of certificate chain verification. See "Verification Options" in openssl-verification-options(1) for details.

-provider name
-provider-path path
-propquery propq

See "Provider Options" in openssl(1), provider(7), and property(7).


Indicates the last option. All arguments following this are assumed to be certificate files. This is useful if the first certificate filename begins with a -.

certificate ...

One or more target certificates to verify, one per file. If no certificates are given, this command will attempt to read a single certificate from standard input.


When a verify operation fails the output messages can be somewhat cryptic. The general form of the error message is:

 server.pem: /C=AU/ST=Queensland/O=CryptSoft Pty Ltd/CN=Test CA (1024 bit)
 error 24 at 1 depth lookup:invalid CA certificate

The first line contains the name of the certificate being verified followed by the subject name of the certificate. The second line contains the error number and the depth. The depth is number of the certificate being verified when a problem was detected starting with zero for the target ("leaf") certificate itself then 1 for the CA that signed the target certificate and so on. Finally a textual version of the error number is presented.

A list of the error codes and messages can be found in X509_STORE_CTX_get_error(3); the full list is defined in the header file <openssl/x509_vfy.h>.

This command ignores many errors, in order to allow all the problems with a certificate chain to be determined.

See Also

openssl-verification-options(1), openssl-x509(1), ossl_store-file(7)


The -show_chain option was added in OpenSSL 1.1.0.

The -engine option was deprecated in OpenSSL 3.0.

Referenced By, openssl.1ossl(1), openssl-cmds.1ossl(1), openssl-s_client.1ossl(1), openssl-s_server.1ossl(1), openssl-verification-options.1ossl(1), openssl-x509.1ossl(1), SSL_get_verify_result.3ossl(3), SSL_set_verify_result.3ossl(3), X509_check_issued.3ossl(3).

2024-09-12 3.2.2 OpenSSL