oidc-token - Man Page

gets OIDC access token from oidc-agent




oidc-token -- A client for oidc-agent for getting OIDC access tokens.


--auth-header,  --auth

Returns the token included in a http authorization header for usage with e.g. curl or httpie.

-a,  --all

Return all available information (token, issuer, expiration time). Each value is printed in one line.


Returns the token in the bearer format that is suitable as the value for an http authorization header

-c,  --env

This will get all available information (same as -a), but will print shell commands that export environment variables (default names).  The result for this option is the same as for using 'oidc-token -o -i -e'. With the -o, -i and -e options the name of each environment variable can be changed.

-e,  --expires-at[=OIDC_EXP]

Return the expiration time for the requested access token. If neither -i nor -o is set and OIDC_EXP is not passed, the expiration time is printed to stdout. Otherwise shell commands are printed that will export the value into an environment variable. The name of this variable can be set with OIDC_EXP.

-f,  --force-new

Forces that a new access token is issued and returned.

-i,  --issuer[=OIDC_ISS]

Return the issuer associated with the requested access token. If neither -e nor -o is set and OIDC_ISS is not passed, the issuer is printed to stdout. Otherwise shell commands are printed that will export the value into an environment variable. The name of this variable can be set with OIDC_ISS.

-o,  --token[=OIDC_AT]

Return the requested access token. If neither -i nor -e is set and OIDC_AT is not passed, the token is printed to stdout (Same behaviour as without this option). Otherwise shell commands are printed that will export the value into an environment variable. The name of this variable can be set with OIDC_AT.

-t,  --time=SECONDS

Minimum number of seconds the access token should be valid



Audience for the requested access token. Multiple audiences can be provided as a space separated list


Returns an id-token instead of an access token. This option is meant as a development tool. ID-tokens should not be passed as authorization to resources.

-m,  --mytoken[=PROFILE], --MT[=PROFILE]

Returns a mytoken instead of an access token. To specify the properties of the issued mytoken pass a mytoken profile. This option can only be used with account shortnames not with issuer urls.


This option is intended for other applications / scripts that call oidc-token to obtain an access token. NAME is the name of this application and might be displayed to the user.

-s,  --scope=SCOPE

Scope to be requested for the requested access token. Multiple scopes can be provided as a space separated list or by using the option multiple times.


-?,  --help

Give this help list


Give a short usage message

-V,  --version

Print program version

Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional for any corresponding short options.


oidc-token does not read or write any files.


oidc-token example

Gets an access token for the 'example' account configuration.

oidc-token example -t 60

Gets an access token for the 'example' account configuration which will be valid for at least 60 seconds.

oidc-token example -i

Gets the issuer url associated to the requested access token.

oidc-token example -a

Gets an access token, the associated issuer url, and the expiration date of the token. One information per line.

eval `oidc-token example -c`

Sets environment variables with the access token, the associated issuer url, and the expiration date of the token.

oidc-token example --scope=openid --scope=profile

Gets an access token for the 'example' account configuration which will be only valid for the 'openid' and 'profile' scope.

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs to <https://github.com/indigo-dc/oidc-agent/issues>
Subscribe to our mailing list to receive important updates about oidc-agent: <https://www.lists.kit.edu/sympa/subscribe/oidc-agent-user>.

See Also

oidc-agent(1), oidc-add(1), oidc-gen(1)

Low-traffic mailing list with updates such as critical security incidents and new releases: https://www.lists.kit.edu/sympa/subscribe/oidc-agent-user

Full documentation can be found at https://indigo-dc.gitbooks.io/oidc-agent/user/oidc-token

Referenced By

oidc-add(1), oidc-agent(1), oidc-gen(1), oidc-prompt(1).

September 2024 oidc-token 5.2.2