oidc-gen - Man Page

generates account configurations for oidc-agent




oidc-gen -- A tool for generating oidc account configurations which can be used by oidc-add

Managing account configurations

-d,  --delete

Delete configuration for the given account

-l,  --accounts

Prints a list of all configured account configurations. Same as oidc-add -l

-p,  --print=FILE

Prints the decrypted content of FILE. FILE can be an absolute path or the name of a file placed in oidc-dir (e.g. an account configuration short name)


Used to update an existing account configuration file with a new refresh token. Can be used if no other metadata should be changed.

--rename=NEW_SHORTNAME Used to rename an existing account configuration


-u,  --update=FILE

Decrypts and reencrypts the content for FILE. This might update the file format and encryption. FILE can be an absolute path or the name of a file placed in oidc-dir (e.g. an account configuration short name).

Generating a new account configuration:


Use CLIENT_ID as client id. Requires an already registered client. Implicitly sets '-m'.


Use CLIENT_SECRET as client secret. Requires an already registered client.

-f,  --file=FILE

Reads the client configuration from FILE. Implicitly sets -m

--iss=ISSUER_URL, --issuer=ISSUER_URL

Set ISSUER_URL as the issuer url to be used.


A mytoken profile string to use.


--mytoken-url[=URI], --mytoken-issuer[=URI]

The url of a mytoken instance to use.

-m,  --manual

Does not use Dynamic Client Registration. Client has to be manually registered beforehand


Do not save any configuration files (meaning as soon as the agent stops, nothing will be saved)

--oauth2,  --oauth

Set when using an OAuth2 provider.


Use this port in the local redirect uri. Shorter way to pass redirect uris compared to '--redirect-uri'. Option can be used multiple times to provide additional backup ports.


Uses a public client defined in the publicclient.conf file.

--redirect-uri=URI, --redirect-url=URI

Use URI as redirect URI. Can be a space separated list. The redirect uri must follow the format http://localhost:<port>[/*] or edu.kit.data.oidc-agent:/<anything>


Set SCOPE as the scope to be used. Multiple scopes can be provided as a space separated list or by using the option multiple times. Use 'max' to use all available scopes for this provider.

--scope-all,  --scope-max

Use all available scopes for this provider. Same as using '--scope=max'

Generating a new account configuration - Advanced:

--at=ACCESS_TOKEN, --access-token=ACCESS_TOKEN

Use ACCESS_TOKEN for authorization at the registration endpoint.

--aud=AUDIENCE, --audience=AUDIENCE

Limit issued tokens to the specified AUDIENCE. Multiple audiences can be specified separated by space.

--cnid=IDENTIFIER, --client-name-identifier=IDENTIFIER

Additional identifier used in the client name to distinguish clients on different machines with the same short name, e.g. the host name

--configuration-endpoint=ENDPOINT_URI, --config-endpoint=ENDPOINT_URI, --discovery-endpoint=ENDPOINT_URI

Use this uri as the configuration endpoint to read the server's metadata from

--cp=FILE, --cert-path=FILE, --cert-file=FILE

FILE is the path to a CA bundle file that will be used with TLS communication

--dae=ENDPOINT_URI, --device-authorization-endpoint=ENDPOINT_URI

Use this uri as device authorization endpoint


When using this option, oidc-gen will print an access token instead of creating a new account configuration. No account configuration file is created. This option does not work with dynamic client registration, but it does work with preregistered public clients.

--op-password=PASSWORD Use PASSWORD in the password flow. Requires

'--flow=password' to be set.

--op-username=USERNAME Use USERNAME in the password flow. Requires

'--flow=password' to be set.

--rt=REFRESH_TOKEN, --refresh-token=REFRESH_TOKEN

Use REFRESH_TOKEN as the refresh token in the refresh flow instead of using another flow. Implicitly sets --flow=refresh

--rt-env[=OIDC_REFRESH_TOKEN], --refresh-token-env[=OIDC_REFRESH_TOKEN]

Like --rt but reads the REFRESH_TOKEN from the passed environment variable (default: OIDC_REFRESH_TOKEN)

-w,  --flow=code|device|password|refresh

Specifies the OIDC flow to be used. Option can be used multiple times to allow different flows and express priority.



Uses URI to complete the account configuration generation process. URI must be a full url to which you were redirected after the authorization code flow.


Confirms all confirmation prompts with the default value.


Confirms all confirmation prompts with no.


Confirms all confirmation prompts with yes.


This option applies only when the authorization code flow is used. oidc-agent will not use a custom uri scheme redirect.


Does not automatically open the authorization url in a browser.


This option applies only when the authorization code flow is used. oidc-agent will not start a webserver. Redirection to oidc-gen through a custom uri scheme redirect uri and 'manual' redirect is possible.


Change the mode how oidc-gen should prompt for information. The default is 'cli'.


Command from which oidc-gen can read the encryption password, instead of prompting the user


Reads the encryption password from the passed environment variable (default: OIDC_ENCRYPTION_PW), instead of prompting the user


Uses the first line of FILE as the encryption password.

--pw-gpg=KEY_ID, --pw-pgp=KEY_ID, --gpg=KEY_ID, --pgp=KEY_ID

Uses the passed GPG KEY for encryption


Change the mode how oidc-gen should prompt for passwords. The default is 'cli'.

Internal options:


Only for internal usage. Uses STATE to get the associated account config


-g,  --debug

Sets the log level to DEBUG

-v,  --verbose

Enables verbose mode


-?,  --help

Give this help list


Give a short usage message

-V,  --version

Print program version

Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional for any corresponding short options.


~/.config/oidc-agent or ~/.oidc-agent

oidc-gen reads and writes account and client configurations in this directory.


This file is used by oidc-gen to give a list of possible issuer urls. The user should not edit this file. It might be overwritten when updating oidc-agent. To specify additional issuer urls the user can use the issuer.config located in the oidc-directory.

~/.config/oidc-agent/issuer.config or ~/.oidc-agent/issuer.config

This file (combined with /etc/oidc-agent/issuer.config) is used by oidc-gen to give a list of possible issuer urls. The user can add additional issuer urls to this list (one url per line).


oidc-gen example

Generates new account configuration with name 'example' using dynamic client registration.

oidc-gen example -m

Generates new account configuration with name 'example' NOT using dynamic client registration.

oidc-gen example -f ~/.config/oidc-agent/example.com_2018-01-31_f34a.clientconfig

Generates new account configuration using the client configuration stored in ~/.config/oidc-agent/example.com_2018-01-31_f34a.clientconfig

oidc-gen example --at=token1234

Generates new account configuration with name 'example' using dynamic client registration. The access token 'token1234' is used for authorization at the (protected) registration endpoint.

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs to <https://github.com/indigo-dc/oidc-agent/issues>
Subscribe to our mailing list to receive important updates about oidc-agent: <https://www.lists.kit.edu/sympa/subscribe/oidc-agent-user>.

See Also

oidc-agent(1), oidc-add(1), oidc-token(1)

Low-traffic mailing list with updates such as critical security incidents and new releases: https://www.lists.kit.edu/sympa/subscribe/oidc-agent-user

Full documentation can be found at https://indigo-dc.gitbooks.io/oidc-agent/user/oidc-gen

Referenced By

oidc-add(1), oidc-agent(1), oidc-prompt(1), oidc-token(1).

September 2024 oidc-gen 5.2.2