ofhttp - Man Page

perform HTTP and HTTPS requests and download files


ofhttp [options] ri1 [iri2 ...]


ofhttp is a program to perform HTTP and HTTPS requests and download files.


-b file, --body=file

Specify the file to send as body (- for standard input).

-c,  --continue

Continue download of existing file.

-f,  --force

Force / overwrite existing file.

-h,  --help

Show the help.

-H header, --header=header

Add a header (e.g. X-Foo:Bar).

-m method, --method=method

Set the method of the HTTP request.

-o file, --output=file

Specify the output file name.

-O,  --detect-filename

Do a HEAD request to detect the file name.

-P proxy, --proxy=proxy

Sepcify SOCKS5 proxy.

-q,  --quiet

Quiet mode (no output, except errors).

-v,  --verbose

Verbose mode (print headers).


Ignore TLS errors and allow insecure redirects.


Ignore HTTP status code.


Download https://example.com/testfile.bin:

ofhttp https://example.com/testfile.bin

Download https://example.com/testfile.bin via Tor:

ofhttp -P https://example.com/testfile.bin

Send a POST request to an endpoint expecting JSON and only print the response:

echo '{"a":"b"}' | ofhttp -mPOST -b- -qo- https://example.com/json