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obrms - Man Page

Calculate the heavy-atom RMSD between two chemically identical structures


obrms[-fmxso] filename1 filename2


Computes the heavy-atom RMSD of identical compound structures. Structures in multi-structure files are compared one-by-one unless -firstonly is passed, in which case only the first structure in the reference file is used.


-f, --firstonly

use only the first structure in the reference file (otherwise the nth molecule in the reference file is compared to the nth molecule in the test file)

-m, --minimize

Compute the minimum RMSD achievable by applying a rigid-body transformation to the test molecule

-x, --cross

Compute all n^2 RMSDs between molecules of the reference file. Test file is ignored.

-s, --separate

Separate reference file into constituent molecules (disconnected fragments) and report best RMSD

-o, --out

Re-oriented test structure output (used with -m)


obrms ref.sdf test.sdf

Calculate the RMSD between ref.sdf and test.sdf. Both files should have the same number of molecules.

obrms -f ref.sdf test.sdf

Calculate the RMSD between the first molecule in ref.sdf and each molecule in test.sdf.

See Also


The web pages for Open Babel can be found at: <http://openbabel.org/>


Open Babel is developed by a cast of many, including currrent maintainers Geoff Hutchison, Chris Morley, Michael Banck, and innumerable others who have contributed fixes and additions. For more contributors to Open Babel, see <http://openbabel.org/wiki/THANKS>


October 10, 2019