nvme-wdc-vs-temperature-stats - Man Page

Display temperature-related statistics


nvme wdc vs-temperature-stats <device>


For the NVMe device given, displays temperature statistics.

The <device> parameter is mandatory NVMe character device (ex: /dev/nvme0).

This will only work on WDC devices supporting this feature. Results for any other device are undefined.

Expected status and description :-

The current composite temperaturedevice temperature
Warning Composite TEMPerature thresholdtemp of overheating
Critical Composite TEMPerature thresholdtemp of critical overheating
Device Initiated Thermal Throttling support status0 = unsupported, 1 = supported
Host Controlled Thermal Management support0 = unsupported, 1 = supported
Thermal Management Temperature 1 (Light throttle)temp to start light throttle
Thermal Management Temperature 1 Transition Counter# times switched into light throttle
Thermal Management Temperature 1 Total Time# seconds spent in light throttle
Thermal Management Temperature 2 (Heavy throttle)temp to start heavy throttle
Thermal Management Temperature 2 Transition Counter# times switched into heavy throttle
Thermal Management Temperature 2 Total Time# seconds spent in heavy throttle
Thermal Shutdown Thresholdtemp of device shutdown

On success it returns 0, error code otherwise.



Part of the nvme-user suite.

Referenced By


08/26/2024 NVMe Manual