nvme-seagate-help - Man Page

Shows the Seagate plugin's help information


nvme seagate help


Provides the help information for the Seagate plugin.


No Options


Get help information for specific seagate sub-commands.

Seagate vendor specific extensions

The following are all implemented sub-commands:

vs-temperature-stats            Retrieve Seagate temperature statistics
vs-log-page-sup                 Retrieve Seagate Supported Log-pages Information
vs-smart-add-log                Retrieve Seagate extended-SMART Information
vs-pcie-stats                   Retrieve Seagate PCIe error statistics
clear-pcie-correctable-errors   Clear Seagate PCIe error statistics
get-host-tele                   Retrieve Seagate Host-Initiated Telemetry
get-ctrl-tele                   Retrieve Seagate Controller-Initiated Telemetry
vs-internal-log                 Retrieve Seagate Controller-Initiated Telemetry in binary format
plugin-version                  Shows Seagate plugin's version information
version                         Shows the program version
help                            Display this help

See nvme seagate help <command> for more information on a specific command

# nvme seagate help


Part of the nvme-user suite


08/26/2024 NVMe Manual