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normaliz - Man Page

A tool for discrete convex geometry


normaliz [options] PROJECT


runs normaliz on PROJECT.in

Computation goals with short options (selection)


compute support hyperplanes


compute multiplicity


compute volume


compute Hilbert basis (with partial triangulation)


check for integrally closed and compute witness if not


compute Hilbert series


compute degree 1 elements


compute triangulation  (output in file .tri)


compute integer hull


compute module generators over original monoid


compute weighted Ehrhart series


compute virtual multiplicity of weighted Ehrhart series


compute integral


check Gorenstein

Algorithmic variants with short options (selection)


dual ode (includes Hilbert basis, unless combined with -1)




project-and-lift with floating point arithmetic


keep order




multiplicity/volume by decent in the face lattice

For computation goals and variants not in the lists above use


compute the ConeProperty <PROP>

see doc/Normaliz.pdf or doc/NmzShortRef.pdf. Selection

Automorphisms, EuclideanAutomorphisms, RationalA..., CombinatorialA... EhrhartSeries, LatticePoints, NumberLatticePoints FaceLattice, FVector (also with Orbits) DualFaceLattice, DualFVector (also with Orbits) Incidence, DualIncidence MasrkovBasis, GroebnerBasis, Lex, DegLex, RevLex FusionRings, SimpleFusionRings

Output and execution

-f,  --files

write the files .out .gen .inv .cst

-a,  --all-files

write all optional output files


write the file .<SUFFIX> where <SUFFIX> can be one of cst, egn, esp, ext, gen, ht1, inv, lat, mod, msp, typ

-B,  --BigInt

directly use indefinite precision arithmetic


only use long long arithmetic, no conversion possible

-i,  --ignore

ignore the compute options set in the input file


limit the number of threads to <T>, -x=0 switches the bound off

--OutputDir=<path> set a path for the output files (relative to current directory)

-?,  --help

print this help text and exit

-c,  --verbose

verbose (prints log data on terminal)


print version info and exit

Please report bugs to <normaliz@uos.de> or directly to our issue tracker: https://github.com/Normaliz/Normaliz/issues

------------------------------------------------------------ with package(s) CoCoALib Flint e-antic nauty hash-library Copyright © 2007-2022  The Normaliz Team, University of Osnabrueck. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; See COPYING for details.


June 2024 Normaliz 3.10.3