nipy_3dto4d - Man Page

nipy_3dto4d – Read 3D image files and write a 4D file


nipy_3dto4d [-h] [--out-4d OUT_4D] [--check-affines CHECK_AFFINES] in_filenames [in_filenames ...]


nipy_3dto4d(1) will take a series of 3D nifti images in any format readable by nibabel and concatenate them into a 4D image, and write the image with format guessed from the output image filename. You can set the filename with the --out-4d parameter, or we make a filename from the input names.


Positional Arguments


3D image filenames

Optional Arguments


Show a help message and exit

--out-4d OUT_4D

4D output image name --check-affines CHECK_AFFINES False if you want to ignore differences in affines between the 3D images, True if you want to raise an error for significant differences (default is True)

See Also

nipy_4d_realign(1), nipy_4dto3d(1), nipy_diagnose(1), nipy_tsdiffana(1)

Referenced By

nipy_4d_realign(1), nipy_4dto3d(1), nipy_diagnose(1), nipy_tsdiffana(1).

February 2023