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POSIX file system level access tests


nfstest_posix --server <server> [options]


Verify POSIX file system level access over the specified path using positive and negative testing.

Valid for any version of NFS.



show program's version number and exit

-h, ā€‰--help

show this help message and exit

-f FILE, --file=FILE

File where options are specified besides the system wide file /etc/nfstest, user wide file $HOME/.nfstest or in the current directory .nfstest file

NFS specific options

-s SERVER, --server=SERVER

Server name or IP address

-e EXPORT, --export=EXPORT

Exported file system to mount [default: '/']


NFS version, e.g., 3, 4, 4.1, etc. [default: 4.1]

-m MTPOINT, --mtpoint=MTPOINT

Mount point [default: '/mnt/t']

-p PORT, --port=PORT

NFS server port [default: 2049]


NFS protocol name [default: 'tcp']


Security flavor [default: 'sys']


Multiple TCP connections option [default: '1']

-o MTOPTS, --mtopts=MTOPTS

Mount options [default: 'hard,rsize=4096,wsize=4096']


Data directory where files are created, directory is created on the mount point [default: '']

Logging options

-v VERBOSE, --verbose=VERBOSE

Verbose level for debug messages [default: 'opts|info|dbg1|dbg2|dbg3']


Verbose level for test messages [default: '1']


Create log file


Create rexec log files


Display warnings


Informational tag, it is displayed as an INFO message [default: '']


Do not use terminal colors on output


Use terminal colors on output -- useful when running with nohup

Packet trace options


Create a packet trace for each test


Capture buffer size for tcpdump [default: 192k]


Seconds to delay before stopping packet trace [default: 2.0]


Do not remove any trace files [default: remove trace files if no errors]


Remove trace files [default: remove trace files if no errors]


Device interface [default: automatically selected]

File options


Number of files to create [default: 2]


File size to use for test files [default: 64k]


Read size to use when reading files [default: 4k]


Write size to use when writing files [default: 4k]


Seconds to delay I/O operations [default: 0.1]


Read/Write offset delta [default: 4k]

Path options


Full path of binary for sudo [default: '/usr/bin/sudo']


Full path of binary for kill [default: '/usr/bin/kill']


Full path of binary for nfsstat [default: '/usr/sbin/nfsstat']


Full path of binary for tcpdump [default: '/usr/sbin/tcpdump']


Full path of binary for iptables [default: '/usr/sbin/iptables']


Full path of log messages file [default: '/var/log/messages']


Full path of tracing events directory [default: '/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events']


Full path of trace pipe file [default: '/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe']


Temporary directory [default: '/tmp']

Debug options


Do not cleanup created files


Do not display timestamps in debug messages


File containing test messages to mark as bugs if they failed


Do not mount server and run the tests on local disk space


Base name for all files and logs [default: automatically generated]


Set NFS kernel debug flags and save log messages [default: '']


Set RPC kernel debug flags and save log messages [default: '']


List of trace points modules to enable [default: '']


Get NFS stats [default: 'False']


Display main packets related to the given test


Fail every NFS error found in the packet trace


IP address of localhost

Reporting options


Generate xUnit compatible test report


Path to xout report file

Test options


Comma separated list of tests to run, if list starts with a '^' then all tests are run except the ones listed [default: 'all']



Verify POSIX API access() on files with different modes.


Verify POSIX API chdir() by changing to a newly created directory
and then by changing back to the original directory.


Verify POSIX API close() works and that writing to a closed file
descriptor returns an error.


Verify POSIX API closedir() works


Verify POSIX API creat(path, mode) is equivalent to
open(path, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, mode). First test with a path
that does not exist to verify the file was created and then test
with a path that does exist to verify that the file is truncated.


Verify the POSIX API fcntl() commands F_DUPFD, F_GETFD, F_SETFD,
F_GETFL, F_SETFL, and FD_CLOEXEC. The F_DUPFD command is tested
by performing operations on the original and dupped file descriptor
to ensure they behave correctly. The F_GETFD and F_SETFD commands
are tested by setting the FD_CLOEXEC flag and making sure it gets set.
The F_GETFL and F_SETFL commands are tested by setting the O_APPEND
flag and making sure it gets set.
Run the test for both 'read' and 'write'.


Verify POSIX API fdatasync().


Verify POSIX API fstat() by checking the mode on a file and that
it returns the expected structure members. Create a symlink and
verify that fstat returns information about the link.


Verify POSIX API fstatvfs() by making sure all the members of the
structure are returned.


Verify POSIX API fsync().


Verify POSIX API lseek() with different offsets and whence
values including seeking past the end of the file.


Verify POSIX API lstat() by checking the mode on a file and that
it returns the expected structure members. Create a symlink and
verify that lstat returns information about the link.


Verify POSIX API mkdir(). Verify that mkdir with a path of a symbolic
link fails. Verify that the st_ctime and st_mtime fields of the
parent directory are updated.


Verify POSIX API mmap() by mapping a file and verifying I/O
operations. Verify mmap followed by memory read of existing
file works. Verify mmap followed by memory write to file works.


Verify POSIX API munmap() by mapping a file and then unmapping
the file.


Verify POSIX API opendir() on a directory.


Verify POSIX API read() by reading data from a file. Verify that
the st_atime of the file is updated after the read. Verify a read
of 0 bytes returns 0.


Verify POSIX API readdir() on a directory.


Verify POSIX API rename() by renaming a file, directory, and a
symbolic link. Verify that a rename from a file to a symbolic
link will cause the symbolic link to be removed.


Verify POSIX API rewinddir() on a directory.


Verify POSIX API rmdir() by removing a directory. Verify that the
parent's st_ctime and st_mtime are updated.


Verify POSIX API seekdir() on a directory.


Verify POSIX API stat() by checking the mode on a file and that
it returns the expected structure members. Create a symlink and
verify that stat returns information about the file.


Verify POSIX API statvfs() by making sure all the members of the
structure are returned.


Verify POSIX API sync().


Verify POSIX API telldir() on a directory.


Verify POSIX API write() by writing 0 bytes and verifying 0
is returned. Write a pattern the file, seek +N, write another
pattern, and close the file. Open the file and read in both
written patterns and verify that it is the correct pattern.
Read in the data from the hole in the file and verify that it is 0.


Verify POSIX API open() on a file. Verify file creation using
the O_CREAT flag and verifying the file mode is set to the
specified value. Verify the st_ctime and st_mtime are updated
on the parent directory after the file was created. Verify open
on existing file fails with the O_EXCL flag set. Verify write
succeeds and read fails if file was open with O_WRONLY. Verify
read succeeds and write fails if file was open with O_RDONLY.
Verify that all writes with O_APPEND set are to the end of the file.
Use O_DSYNC, O_RSYNC, and O_SYNC flags in open calls.
Verify file open with O_CREAT and O_TRUNC set will truncate an
existing file. Verify that it updates the file st_ctime and st_mtime.


Verify POSIX API chmod() on a file and directory by trying all valid
combinations of modes. Verify that the st_ctime files is updated
for both the file and directory.


Run all tests: access, chdir, close, closedir, creat, fcntl, fdatasync,
fstat, fstatvfs, fsync, link, lseek, lstat, mkdir, mmap, munmap,
opendir, read, readdir, readlink, rename, rewinddir, rmdir, seekdir,
stat, statvfs, symlink, sync, telldir, unlink, write, open, chmod


The only required option is --server
$ nfstest_posix --server


The user id in the local host must have access to run commands as root using the 'sudo' command without the need for a password.

See Also

nfstest.test_util(3), nfstest_alloc(1), nfstest_cache(1), nfstest_delegation(1), nfstest_dio(1), nfstest_fcmp(1), nfstest_file(1), nfstest_interop(1), nfstest_io(1), nfstest_lock(1), nfstest_pkt(1), nfstest_pnfs(1), nfstest_rdma(1), nfstest_sparse(1), nfstest_ssc(1), nfstest_xattr(1), nfstest_xid(1), packet.nfs.nfs3_const(3), packet.nfs.nfs4_const(3)


No known bugs.


Jorge Mora (mora@netapp.com)

Referenced By

nfstest(1), nfstest_alloc(1), nfstest_cache(1), nfstest_delegation(1), nfstest_dio(1), nfstest_fcmp(1), nfstest_file(1), nfstest_interop(1), nfstest_io(1), nfstest_lock(1), nfstest_pkt(1), nfstest_pnfs(1), nfstest_rdma(1), nfstest_sparse(1), nfstest_ssc(1), nfstest_xattr(1), nfstest_xid(1).

21 March 2023 NFStest 3.2 nfstest_posix 1.2