ncidutil - Man Page

manipulate entries in the alias, blacklist and whitelist files


 ncidutil [--help|-h] [--man|-m] [--version|-V]

 ncidutil [--multi "<blacklist and/or whitelist file names>"]
          [--regex|-R] [--ignore1|-i] <arguments>


The ncidutil script is designed to be called by the NCID server in response to client requests.  Five arguments are required.

The ncidutil script can add, modify or remove an alias from the alias file.  If an alias is modified or removed and if the hangup option of the server is enabled, ncidutil will add or remove the alias entry in the blacklist and/or whitelist files.

The "--multi" option is used to determine if the blacklist and whitelist files should be searched for an alias or if an entry should be added or removed from the files.  The entry can be an alias in the alias file.


-h,  --help

Displays the help message and exits.

-m,  --man

Displays the manual page and exits.

-V,  --version

Displays the version and exits.

-i,  --ignore1

This is a US/Canada option only.

A leading one in an alias definition and in the calling number is ignored.

Normally an alias requires the calling number as it appears in the cidcall.log. In the US a leading 1 may or may not be provided in incoming or outgoing calls.

Default: The number for the alias entry must match the calling number.

--multi "<blacklist> <whitelist>"

Specifies the names of the blacklist and whitelist files to update when an alias is modified. If both are specified, separate each with a space.

Default: ""

-R,  --regex <0-2>

If regex = 0, uses Simple Expressions.

If regex = 1, uses Posix Regular Expressions.

If regex = 2, uses Perl-compatible Expressions.

Default: Uses Simple Expressions.



Name of the alias, blacklist, or whitelist file.


The case-sensitive type of list: Alias, Blacklist, Whitelist


add, modify, remove

 for list = Alias:     add, remove, or modify
 for list = Blacklist: add or remove
 for list = Whitelist: add or remove
 For list = Alias,     item = "number&&alias"
 For list = Blacklist, item = "number|name&&"
 For list = Whitelist, item = "number|name&&"

Quotes are required.

 number is the number in the call file
 alias is from the user
 name is the name in the call file
 For list = Alias,     extra is "type&&name"
 For list = Blacklist, extra is a optional "comment"
 For list = Whitelist, extra is a optional "comment"

 Quotes are required.

 name is the name in the call file
 type is the uppercase alias type or NOALIAS:

See Also

ncidd.conf(5), ncidd.alias(5), ncidd.blacklist(5), ncidd.whitelist(5), cidalias(1), cidcall(1), cidupdate(1)

Referenced By


2024-07-18 perl v5.40.0 User Contributed Perl Documentation