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mysql_find_rows - Man Page

extract SQL statements from files (mysql_find_rows is now a symlink to mariadb-find-rows)


mysql_find_rows [options] [file_name ...]


mysql_find_rows reads files containing SQL statements and extracts statements that match a given regular expression or that contain USE db_name or SET statements. The utility was written for use with update log files (as used prior to MySQL 5.0) and as such expects statements to be terminated with semicolon (;) characters. It may be useful with other files that contain SQL statements as long as statements are terminated with semicolons.

Invoke mysql_find_rows like this:

shell> mysql_find_rows [options] [file_name ...]

Each file_name argument should be the name of file containing SQL statements. If no file names are given, mysql_find_rows reads the standard input.


mysql_find_rows --regexp=problem_table --rows=20 < update.log
mysql_find_rows --regexp=problem_table  update-log.1 update-log.2

mysql_find_rows supports the following options:

See Also

For more information, please refer to the MariaDB Knowledge Base, available online at https://mariadb.com/kb/


MariaDB Foundation (http://www.mariadb.org/).

Referenced By

The man page mariadb-find-rows(1) is an alias of mysql_find_rows(1).

15 May 2020 MariaDB 10.11 MariaDB Database System