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mmdblookup - Man Page

a utility to look up an IP address in a MaxMind DB file


mmdblookup --file [FILE PATH] --ip [IP ADDRESS] [DATA PATH]


mmdblookup looks up an IP address in the specified MaxMind DB file. The record for the IP address is displayed with {} to denote maps and [] to denote arrays. The values are followed by type annotations. This output is not JSON and is not intended to be used as such. If you need JSON, please see mmdbinspect (https://github.com/maxmind/mmdbinspect).

If an IP's data entry resolves to a map or array, you can provide a lookup path to only show part of that data.

For example, given a JSON structure like this:

    "names": {
        "en": "Germany",
        "de": "Deutschland"
    "cities": [ "Berlin", "Frankfurt" ]

You could look up just the English name by calling mmdblookup with a lookup path of:

mmdblookup --file ... --ip ... names en

Or you could look up the second city in the list with:

mmdblookup --file ... --ip ... cities 1

Array numbering begins with zero (0).

If you do not provide a path to lookup, all of the information for a given IP will be shown.


This application accepts the following options:

-f,  --file

The path to the MMDB file. Required.

-i,  --ip

The IP address to look up. Required.

-v,  --verbose

Turns on verbose output. Specifically, this causes this application to output the database metadata.


Print the program's version number and exit.

-h,  -?,  --help

Show usage information.

Bug Reports and Pull Requests

Please report all issues to our GitHub issue tracker (https://github.com/maxmind/libmaxminddb/issues). We welcome bug reports and pull requests. Please note that pull requests are greatly preferred over patches.


This utility was written by Boris Zentner (bzentner@maxmind.com) and Dave Rolsky (drolsky@maxmind.com).

See Also


Referenced By
