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mkc_install - Man Page

install binaries


install -d [-o own] [-g grp] [-m mod] dir1 dir2 ... dirN
install [-cs] [-l flags] [-o own] [-g grp] [-m mod] file1 file2
install [-cs] [-l flags] [-o own] [-g grp] [-m mod] [files...] dir


The file(s) are copied to the target file or directory.  If the destination is a directory, then the file is copied into directory with its original filename.



Copy the file.  This is the default behavior; the flag is maintained for backwards compatibility only.


Create directories.  Missing parent directories are created as required.

-g group

Specify a group.

-l linkflags

Instead of copying the file make a link to the source. The type of the link is determined by the linkflags argument.  Valid linkflags are: h (hard), s (symbolic).

-m mode

Specify an alternative mode.  The default mode is set to rwxr-xr-x (0755).  The specified mode may be either an octal or symbolic value; see chmod(1) for a description of possible mode values.

-o owner

Specify an owner.


install exec's the command strip(1) to strip binaries so that install can be portable over a large number of systems and binary types.  If the environment variable STRIP is set, it is used as the strip(1) program.



The program used to strip installed binaries when the -s option is used.  If unspecified, strip is used.

Exit Status

    The install utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.


Aleksey Cheusov <vle@gmx.net>


Jan 26, 2020