memusagestat - Man Page

generate graphic from memory profiling data


memusagestat [option]... datafile [outfile]


memusagestat creates a PNG file containing a graphical representation of the memory profiling data in the file datafile; that file is generated via the -d (or --data) option of memusage(1).

The red line in the graph shows the heap usage (allocated memory) and the green line shows the stack usage. The x-scale is either the number of memory-handling function calls or (if the -t option is specified) time.


-o file--output=file

Name of the output file.

-s string--string=string

Use string as the title inside the output graph.


Use time (rather than number of function calls) as the scale for the X axis.


Also draw a graph of total memory consumption.

-x size--x-size=size

Make the output graph size pixels wide.

-y size--y-size=size

Make the output graph size pixels high.


Print a help message and exit.


Print a short usage message and exit.


Print version information and exit.


To report bugs, see


See memusage(1).

See Also

memusage(1), mtrace(1)

Referenced By


2024-05-02 Linux man-pages 6.9.1