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mdtool - Man Page

MonoDevelop Application Runner


mdtool <applicationId> ...

mdtool setup ...

mdtool -q


mdtool is a tool that can execute head-less MonoDevelop applications, this can be used for example to do batch compilations without starting up the MonoDevelop GUI.


applicationId ...

Runs the specified application.


Lists available applications.

Available Applications

The list of applications returned by the option -q might be different depending on which add-ins are installed.


Graphical add-in setup utility.

build [options] [project-file]

Project build tool. Use this tool to build any solution supported by MonoDevelop (eg. .mds, .sln). If no solution/project is specified then it will pull the first solution it can find in the current directory. You can use this option to build packages in a head-less or batch fashion.


-c , --configuration:CONFIGURATION Name of the solution configuration to build.

-t , --target:TARGET Name of the target: Clean or Build

-p , --project:PROJECT Name of the project to build.


Parser database generation tool.


Project conversion tool.


The MonoDevelop IDE.

generate-makefiles <solution-file> [--simple-makefiles] [-d:default-config]

Makefile generator tool. This can be used to generate makefiles from any solution supported by MonoDevelop.


--simple-makefiles , -s Generates set of Makefiles with the most common targets, and a configuration script that does a basic check of package dependencies. Default is to generate Makefile structure based on Autotools with the standard targets and configuration scripts.

-d:default-config Configuration that the Makefile will build by default. Other configurations can be selected via the '--config' or '--enable-*' option of the generated configure script.

setup command [arg1, .., argn2]

Runs the MonoDevelop add-in setup command.  You must specify a command to execute.  If none is provided a list of commands is displayed

Add-in Commands

install (i) [package-name|package-file] Installs an add-in or set of addins. The command argument is a list of files and/or package names. If a package name is provided the package will be looked out in the registered repositories.  A specific add-in version can be specified by appending it to.  the package name using MonoDevelop.SourceEditor/0.9.1

uninstall (u) [package-name]

Uninstalls an add-in. The command argument is the name of the add-in to uninstall.

check-install (ci)

Checks if a package is installed. If it is not, it looks for the package in the registered repositories, and if found the package is downloaded and installed, including all needed dependencies.

update (up)

Downloads and installs available updates for installed add-ins.

list (l)

Prints a list of all installed add-ins.        

list-av (la)

Prints a list of add-ins available to install in the registered repositories.

list-update (lu)

Prints a list of available add-in updates in the registered repositories.

Repository Commands

rep-add (ra) url1 [url2 [url2]]

Registers an add-in repository. Several URLs can be provided.

rep-remove (rr) url1 [url2 [url2]]

Unregisters an add-in repository. Several URLs can be provided.

rep-update (ru)

Updates the lists of addins available in all registered repositories.

rep-list (rl)

Shows a list of all registered repositories.

Add-in Registry Commands:

reg-update (rgu)

Looks for changes in add-in directories and updates the registry. New add-ins will be added and deleted add-ins will be removed.

reg-build (rgu)
info [filename|package-name]

Prints information about an add-in.

Packaging Commands

rep-build (rb) path

Scans the provided directory and generates a set of index files with entries for all add-in packages found in the directory tree. The resulting file structure is an add-in repository that can be published in a web site or a shared directory.

pack (p) file-path

Creates an add-in package (.mpack file) which includes all files needed to deploy an add-in. The command parameter is the path to the add-in's configuration file.

help (h) [command]

Shows help for the given command

Debug Commands:


Prints the contents of a registry file for debugging.

See Also

monodevelop(1), mono(1), mcs(1)

Mailing Lists

Visit http://lists.ximian.com/mailman/listinfo/monodevelop-list for details.

Web Site

Visit http://www.monodevelop.com for details

Referenced By
