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marked - Man Page

a javascript markdown parser


marked [-o <output>] [-i <input>] [--help] [--tokens] [--pedantic] [--gfm] [--breaks] [--sanitize] [--smart-lists] [--lang-prefix <prefix>] [--no-etc...] [--silent] [filename]


marked is a full-featured javascript markdown parser, built for speed. It also includes multiple GFM features.


cat in.md | marked > out.html

echo "hello *world*" | marked

marked -o out.html -i in.md --gfm

marked --output="hello world.html" -i in.md --no-breaks


-o--output [output]

Specify file output. If none is specified, write to stdout.

-i--input [input]

Specify file input, otherwise use last argument as input file. If no input file is specified, read from stdin.


Makes sure the test(s) pass.

--glob [file] Specify which test to use.

--fix Fixes tests.

--bench Benchmarks the test(s).

--time Times The test(s).

--minified Runs test file(s) as minified.

--stop Stop process if a test fails.


Output a token stream instead of html.


Conform to obscure parts of markdown.pl as much as possible. Don't fix original markdown bugs.


Enable github flavored markdown.


Enable GFM line breaks. Only works with the gfm option.


Sanitize output. Ignore any HTML input.


Use smarter list behavior than the original markdown.

--lang-prefix [prefix]

Set the prefix for code block classes.


Mangle email addresses.


The inverse of any of the marked options above.


Silence error output.


Display help information.


For configuring and running programmatically.


   require('marked')('*foo*', { gfm: true });


Please report any bugs to https://github.com/markedjs/marked.


Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License).

See Also

markdown(1), node.js(1)