maketestzone - Man Page

generates a test dnssec zone that can be used to DNSSEC


generaterecords -v -d


The generaterecords script generates a zone file, given a domain name, which is then signed and modified to invalidate portions of the data in particular ways.  Each generated record is named appropriately to how the security data is modified (the gooda record will contain a A record with valid DNSSEC data, but the badseca record will contain an A record where the signature has been modified to invalidate it).

The results of this process can then be served and test secure validators, applications, and other software can be thrown at it to see if they properly fail or succeed under the dns security policies being deployed.

After the files are generated, consider running donuts on them to see how the data in them has been tampered with to be invalid.


zonesigner from the dnssec-tools project bind software 9.3.1 or greater

Getting Started

To get started creating a new zone, you'll need to tell zonesigner to create new keys for all of the new zones that maketestzone creates. Thus, the first run of maketestzone should look like:

First Time:

maketestzone -k [OTHER DESIRED Options]

After that, the generated zone files can be loaded and served in a test server.

Once every 30 days (by default via zonesigner) the script will need to be rerun to recreate the records and resign the data so the signature date stamps remain valid (or in some cases invalid).

Every 30 days:

maketestzone [OTHER DESIRED Options]


Below are thoe options that are accepted by the maketestzone tool.

Output File Naming


Output prefix to use for zone files (default = db.)


Output suffix to be given to zonesigner (default = .zs)


Output suffix for the modified zone file (default = .modified)


Run donuts on the results


The file suffix to use for donuts output (default = .donuts)

Output Zone Information


domain name to generate records for


Comma separated name=addr name-server records


A record (IPv4) address to use in data


AAAA record (IPv6) address to use in data

Output Data Type Selection


Comma separated list of record prefixes to use


Comma separated list of NS record prefixes to use


Don't create CNAME records


Don't create sub-zone records

Task Selection


Do not generate the zone; use the existing and sign/modify it


Do not run zonesigner to sign the records


Do not destroy the records and leave them properly signed


Generate a bind configuration file snippit to load the DB sets


Generate a HTML page containing a list of record names


Generate a Apache config snippit for configuring apache for each zone record


Generate a test script for running dig commands


Verbose output

Zonesigner Configuration


Arguments to pass to zonesigner


Have zonesigner generate needed keys

Bind Configuration Options


The base directory where the bind DB files will be placed

HTML Output Configuration


Make each html record name a http link to that address


Add a link to each of the generated DB files.


Add a link to each of the generated donuts error list files.

SH Test Script Configuration Options


The resolver address to force

Help Options


Display a help summary (short flags preferred)


Display a help summary (long flags preferred)


Display all help options (both short and long)


Display the script version number.

Adding New Output

The following section discusses how to extend the maketestzone tool with new output modifications.

Adding Legend Information

For the legend HTML output, the %LegendInformation hash contains a keyname and description for each modification type.

Adding New Subzone Differences

The %zonesigner_domain_opts hash lists additional arguments between how zonesigner is called for various sub-domains.  Thus you can create additional sub-zones with different zonesigner optionns to test other operational parameters between parent and child.  For example:

   'rollzsk-ns.' . $opts{'d'} => '-rollzsk',

Forces the rollzsk-ns test sub-zone to roll it's zsk when the zone is signed.

Adding New Record Modifications

Maketestzone is in early development stages but already has the beginnings of an extnesible system allowing you to modify records at will based on regexp => subroutine hooks.

To add a new modification, add a new keyword to the 'p' and optionally 'P' default flags (or add it at run time), and then add a new function to the list of callbacks defined in the %destroyFunctions hash that is based on your new keyword.  When the file is getting parsed and hits a record matching your expression, your functional will be called. Arguments can be added to the function by passing an array reference where the first argument is the subroutine to be called, and the remainder are additional arguments.  Output lines should be printed to the $fh file handle.

Here's an example function that deletes the RRSIG signature of the next record:

  sub delete_signature {
      # the first 2 arguments are always passed; the other was in the
      # array refeence the subroutine was registered with.
      my ($name, $type, $expr) = @_;

      Verbose("  deleting signatures of $_[0]");

      # print the current line
      print $fh $_;

      my $inrec = 0;
      while (<I>) {
        # new name record means we're done.
        last if /^\w/;

        # we're in a multi-line rrsig record
        $inrec = 1 if (/$expr\s+$type/);

        # print the line if we're not in the rrsig record
        print $fh $_ if (!$inrec);

        # when done with the last line of the rrsig record, mark this spot
        $inrec = 0 if (/\)/);

This is then registered within %destroyFunctions.  Here's an example of registering the function to delete the signature on a DS record:

   '^(nosig[-\w]+).*IN\s+NS\s+' => [\&delete_signature, 'DS', 'RRSIG'],


Wes Hardaker <>

See Also


zonesigner(1), donuts(1)

Pod Errors

Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below:

Around line 1009:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'

Around line 1011:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 1039:

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Around line 1041:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

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Around line 1069:

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Around line 1177:

'=item' outside of any '=over'


2025-01-16 perl v5.40.0 User Contributed Perl Documentation